3: Acrophobic

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*Alternate cover above! Tell me how you like it❤️*

Being punctual has never been my strong suit. It's either I'm at least 5 minutes late or I'm 5 minutes early. Never in between.

I'm kind of regretting that decision right now.

So the winners each got a badge for the trip so that we can easily be located by other trip goers. Right now I'm by the airport, with my suitcase, waiting for people to come. I was about 10 minutes early, and the consequences of that are waiting like a complete weirdo by the entrance to inside the airport.

A pair of hands covered my eyes, and I could immediately tell who it was.


She uncovered them and faced me, a huge grin on her face, "In the flesh, sis!"

Today she went simple; black crop top and tights with a denim jacket on top. Her hair was slicked back and there was a small puff at the back of her head because of it. She looked like she was in a hurry and only wiped her face: there was absolutely no trace of makeup, her bushy eyebrows combed neatly and her lipgloss shining like the sun.

"God, I'm so late!" She let out an exasperated sigh, "Are the others here yet?"

I shook my head, but then quickly pointed when a group of teenagers out in the distance had similar badges, "I think they're going with us."

"So what are we waiting for? Let's head over there." She grabbed my hand and used her other one to grab her suitcase.

I hid back a blush, but failed miserably. When she stared at me, she rose a brow.

"Uh, are you okay? You look a little...flushed."

"Sorry em... it's the heat?" It came out as more of a question than an excuse.

She didn't look convinced, but said nothing nonetheless. She instead dragged me to the group with her.

We were a group of 6 teenagers now, the diversity among us significant; 2 Asian twins, another african american girl, and a guy.

"Y'all going for the trip too?" The other girl who had brown box braids said, staring at Yvonne and I.

Yvonne stepped up to answer it, "Yeah, I'm Yvonne, this is Cecelia."

The girl with braids whistled, "Alright then. Let me introduce you to everyone else. The twins are Gia and Kim, the guy is Brandon, and I'm Jameela. Nice to meet you, Yvonne."

The fact that Jameela only said Yvonne and not me as well upset me. Yvonne, noticing my frown, didn't return the thanks, and looked away from her.

"Where are the other 2? I thought we were supposed to be 10-"

"Cece! Yvonne!"

I froze. I knew that voice, how is it even possible for-

"Nathan?! Leon?!" Yvonne gasped, watching as the 2 hurried over towards us with their suitcases.

"Derek?!" My main focus was on him, despite him being accompanied by his girlfriend Jessica. As they made their way towards us, Leon gave me an affirmative nod and stood besides me.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Well, the other 4 couldn't make it for...um.....private reasons..."

Leon leaned over, "Nathan bribed the two other winners so that we could make it. Derek threatened the other 2, since the other winner was his cousin." He whispered in my ear, making me face palm myself.

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