25: The Last Day

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As the plane landed on the ground, Yvonne squeezed my hand a little harder.

Everyone on the plane was silent the entire ride, maybe because it felt like the end of something. The end of the best summer ever.

But for me and Yvonne, it was the start of something new.

We got off the plane and JJ called us all together. We formed a circle, and she smiled at me, calling me over. We held hands, the contrast in skin color evident as she rose our hands up.

"We didn't start this trip as friends, more like enemies. But today, we all ended as friends. Despite our differences, we made it to the end. And I believe it's because of the power of-"

"Unity." I interrupted her, "We're all on good terms now, certainly better terms than we started. And I believe we'll all be seeing more of each other." I smiled at Yvonne, "Group hug guys!"

Everybody came into our hug, and I heard sniffing. We broke apart to see Derek hiding his face into Jessica's shoulder.

"Are you...are you crying?" JJ gushed, her arm around Gia.

"No, there's something in my eye." He sniffed, "Go on guys, go ahead and take photos."

We took a few photos, and walked into the airport. Yvonne and I walked hand in hand, and before we entered the waiting room, we stopped by the door.

She turned around, and a wide smile spread across her face, "I'll be seeing you in school in 2 weeks?"

"Do we have to wait 2 weeks? We can always hang out-"

"I mean, I believe my mom would love to make you some of her famous cookies tonight." Yvonne winked, "That's if, your parents will allow."

"I think they will, I'll ask them if I could stay a night with you." She gave me a wide smile as I said those words, "I'll be seeing you around?"

She nodded, "See you soon, babe."

She walked through the doors and I breathed out, "Fuck, I love hearing her call me that." I muttered to myself.

"I love hearing that too."

Derek came up to me, hands in pocket. I smiled at him, and he returned it before sticking a hand out.

"You won." He congratulated, "I'm proud of you, Ver."

"I couldn't have done it without you." I gave him his praises, shaking his hand, "You're the one I should be thanking."

"Guess we all have a happy ending?" He asked, his dark eyes scanning my brown ones.

"I guess we do." I reply, "And yours is waiting for you right over there."

I point at Jessica, whose talking to JJ. Derek chuckles, then gives me a hug.

"Cece, I love you."

"I love you too, Derry." I say back, and he ruffles my hair before leaving with Jess.

Finally, Jameela approaches me, "You."

"Me." She stands in front of me, and her lips form a straight line for a bit.

She then breaks the line and smiles slowly, handing me a piece of paper, "We should keep in touch."

"Of course." I put the paper in my pocket, "Thanks for everything, you really made this trip interesting."

"No problem girl, I had to make it interesting somehow." She smiles, "And besides, I think I have a shot with Gia." She winked.

"Good luck with that. So, we'll be seeing each other soon?" I ask her, and she nods.

"I owe you one, kid." She pats my arm, "I'm one call away, and I'll be there. Hopefully as an ally this time."

We both laugh, hug and part ways. When I realize I'm the only one whose behind the door, I take my suitcase with me and walk through. I look around, seeing the others with their parents. I then catch a glimpse of Yvonne with her mom, and she catches me staring, before waving. I wave back, and blow her a kiss, which she happily accepts.

My parents find me and hug me, "How was your trip baby?" Mom asks straight away.

I then share one last with Yvonne, before she walks away with her mom.

Looking back at my parents, I smile, "Perfect."


My parents let me stay with Yvonne for the night, and after Yvonne introduces me as her girlfriend in front of her mom(which she happily accepted) we made it all the way to her room.

I suddenly remembered the recordings I made on her phone, and as I sat on her bed, I stared at her. She stared back, before taking out her phones as I requested earlier. Opening it, she hands it over to me.

"So, I made a couple of recordings for you." I nervously say, "You're going to listen to them 21 days before your birthday, and listen to the last one on your birthday."

"22 Recordings?" She asks and I nod, "Wow, Cece, you're really cheesy."

"I get it from Leon to be honest. If he writes letters, I record." I smile, "I didn't know if we were going to be friends after I..."

"Cece," She places a hand on my cheek, "We were always going to be friends. Even if I didn't reciprocate your feelings, we were always going to get along. You were my friend before we dated. That's how we work."

"I guess so." And I move a bit closer to her, "I've always dreamt of us sharing a bed."

"Kinky." She comments, her hand moving from my cheek to my thigh, "You're all I wanted."

"I'm glad you feel that way." I blush, and she moves a little closer to me.

"I think the formula to having a long lasting relationship, should be that the lovers start as friends first." She whispers.

"You think we'll last?" I whisper back.

"I know it." She smiles, her eyes looking me up and down as we get closer to each other.

We pause, leaning in towards each other. Her lips are mere centimeters away from mine, and in the heat of the moment, she connects our lips in a sweet slow kiss.

In this state as Yvonne and I kiss, the world looks brighter and better ahead for us.

And in this world, I wouldn't change a thing.

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