7: Day 4

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"And we're back to the drawing board." The organizer crossed out the word 'volleyball' from the board, "Since that didn't work for.... obvious reasons." His eyes narrowed down to us, "What do you guys suggest we do for team building?"

"Dodgeball." Jameela gave me an evil grin.

"No." Everyone groaned, and she looked away.

"Can't have any fun around here." She murmured under her breath.

"Well, there's a forest, I think we should check it out right? That would be fun." Leon pitched, making me nod in agreement.

"I agree with Lee over here." Nathan hollered, and slowly took his hand, "I think we need a little break from you know, team bonding because obviously that's not working out well for some of us right now, cough cough Cecelia."

"Hey!" I pouted.

"No lies told." Derek laughed, "I think Leon Turtle is right; we split up into pairs, and we go checking out the place."

"Or maybe just have a chilled day here, and everyone does what they want." Brandon spoke up, much to everyone's surprise.

"For today I suppose it is best to let you guys have fun today." Mr Kahale said, "You're dismissed."

As the others dispersed, Leon, Nate, Derek, Jessica, Yvonne and I stayed on the table, an awkward silence ensuing. We each gave each other glances and neither of us said a word, letting the tension in the air ride between us. For one Yvonne and Jessica kept on stealing glances at me, both giving me the same vibe: I did something wrong.

Jessica's skepticism is justifiable mainly because of the situation with Derek and I, while Yvonne basically saw me naked. Two different situations but the same effect.

"Cecelia." Leon cleared his throat, everyone's attention turning to him, "A word in private?"

"Sure." I trailed off before standing up and walking to the beach.

As we got closer to the shore, Leon paused, "That was so fucking awkward."

"Tell me about it." I muttered, "So what's up?"

His brown eyes seemed to tinge with worry as he then ran a hand through his dark hair, typical nervous Leon move, "It's about Derek."

I rolled my eyes, "What about him?"

"Listen, I think he still has feelings for you." Leon divulged, "I mean, we've been best friends since kindergarten and..."

"Leon, you're funny." I laughed, "Derek and I dated a long time ago-"

"It was literally 2 months ago, and you broke up because he outed Nathan." He interrupted, "I mean, you guys never broke up because of irreconcilable differences or anything."

"I understand where you're coming from, but I'd like to stress out the very first point you made. The three of us have been best friends since kindergarten, I know how he acts, and he's acting like a big brother right now. Plus if he liked me he wouldn't be with Jessica-"

"Why did your hand just twitch?" He rose his brows in concern.


"Cecelia, when you're a little agitated, your hand starts to twitch or you occupy it with something. Like you rightfully said, I've known you for a long time." A slight grin formed on his face, "Why does the fact that he's with Jess bother you?"

"It doesn't bother me-"

"You looked away from me, you're lying." He simply stated, "You still have lingering feelings for Derek, don't you?"

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