6: Day 3

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*Another alternate cover above! Tell me what you guys think!*

"I swear to God if they give us anymore chicken palau once again, I'm gonna throw up in the ocean and cause water pollution." Derek mumbled as the rest of us waited for breakfast.

"It's traditional, stop being a wuss and take it like a champ Derek." Yvonne scoffed, making me fist bump her.

Yvonne and I hadn't spoken about her getting massaged by Jameela, possibly because it would be an awkward topic for both her and I. We decided to talk about plans after highschool was over, and more future plans. Unfortunately, our conversation last night got caught short when Leon called me into his room to help him destroy Nathan in chess. It was ironic; chess captain losing to a rookie? Even worse calling his vice for help? You can't help but roll your eyes at it.

My eyes landed on my plate and there it was; chicken palau. I looked up at Derek, who closed his eyes and had Jessica pat his back comfortingly. I smiled and began to eat.

When we were all finished, the organizer came back.

"Aloha! How are you guys feeling on your third day?"

A few of the other kids groaned, and Yvonne mirrored their action. I was confused until she stood up.

"So far, besides skydiving, we've done nothing fun. We haven't even bonded as a team, what-"

"Yvonne, it's just the third day." Nathan muttered.

"Yeah, I know, but aren't we supposed to do something fun and team building? Like maybe-"


"Yvonne, sir." She said before he went on.

"Yes, uh, Miss Yvonne, if you would sit down and let us explain what we have in store for you today."

Yvonne didn't budge, and Jameela grabbed an arm and pulled her down. Yvonne yelped.

"What the fuck bro." She cussed, her hand instinctively going up to hit her.

"Calm down, let the guy finish." Jameela stated calmly, moving a bit further away from Yvonne,"You can hit me later."

Yvonne crossed her arms, and let the organizer continue.

"Today, we'll be playing a few beach games! The first one to fulfill Miss Yvonne's wish of team building: volleyball!" He clapped, "The beach has a net set up, if you look there. We'll be picking 2 captains, and they'll get to choose their team. So, our captains will be....Nathan and Gia!"

Nathan looked at Gia and gave her a nod, who in return nodded.

"That's why you asked us to wear sporty shit?" Jameela asked, scratching her head.

"Precisely." He smiled, "Now, time to pick your teams! Get onto the sand everyone!"

We made our way to the sand, with Derek, Nathan and I exchanging looks as we walked to where the net was. Gia and Nate faced us, and began to analyze us critically.

"You can go first, Nathan." Gia said, tying her black hair back.

"Ladies first, Gigi." He bowed, then looked up to give Leon a wink.

"I swear to God if this fucker doesn't pick me-"

"Jessica." Gia began, and Jessica walked up to her side.

Nathan looked at us, calculating his possibilities, then out of nowhere, "Leon."

That pick was obvious. There was no way in hell Nathan was gonna pick someone he doesn't know, more or less his boyfriend. I watched Leon walk up and hug Nathan, who in turn gave him a kiss on the cheek and ruffled his black hair a bit, making Leon laugh.

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