Sweet Perfection 1

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I'm Rosalie Jackson. I'm an only child, and my parents are normally on buisness trips, so I'm alone a lot. I have black, wavy hair, to the small of my back. My eyes are about the same color, but just really dark brown. I weigh 105 pounds. I hate being so fat. I used to cut, but I've stopped ever since my boyfriend, now ex, stopped hitting me. I've always been told I'm ugly, worthless and fat. Never have I been called pretty, skinny, or even told "i love you" by anyone other then My best friend. My best friend, Lacy, has saved my life more times then I can count. She has firey red hair, and is shorter then anyone I know our age, which is 17 by the way. Almost 18 for me, April 1. I'm very shy, while Lacy is outgoing as ever. Only Lacy knows, but I play the piano, guitar and i can sing "angelicly" as she calls it. Her talent is fashion, boy that chica can make anything look good. I'm into any music, any, but I try to stay away from pop considering everyone listens to it. My favorite band is NeverShoutNever or Moon Taxi. Lacy's favorite is OneDirection. I know everything about them as she knows everything about Christofer Drew Ingle. Her favorite is Liam although he has a girlfriend. My parents house is huge, and usually filled with me and Lacy and our boyfriends at the time. She flys through the boys. I've only had three. I'm not a virgin but it wasn't something I chose to give up. My last borfriend took it from me, and left me afriad of any male touch. I live in California. I want to leave, but I have no real reason to just get up and leave. I need to do something with my life, and although I want music to be involved, I know it won't. Lacy barged in during my train of thought. She had her own key, so she used it all the time. She came in screaming and pulled me out of my chair at my desk towards the stairs. She flung me down and stumbled quickly behind. We ended up in the kitchen and she finally stopped screaming. She flashed something in my face but I couldnt keep her still enough to make it out. 



I snatched the paper from her as her screaming started up again. As i read it, I collapsed on one of the bar stools. She got a job offer in London for some kind of fashion aprrentinship or something like that. She would be gone for a year and, if she accepted, she left in two weeks. On the inside I was breaking, but on the outside, I put on my fakest smile and screamed with her. I jumped up and danced around in circles with her. I was happy for her, she could get somewhere with her talent. On the other hand, I was devestated I was losing my best firend, my rock. I was not going to let her know that I was upset though. If she knew, she wouldn't go, and I couldn't hold her back.

Before I knew it, those two weeks were over with and I was waving as my best friend left California on her plane to freedom. I sighed and turned to leave, as I had no reason to mope at the airport all day. I stopped at a StarBucks on the way out, and orderd a vanialla Frappe with raspberries, chocolate chips, whipped cream and chocolate drizzle. Yummm. The boy who gave me my coffee winked and wrote his number on my cup. I blushed and ran off to the table and pulled out my iPone to listen to some music. As I was staring out the glass doors, watching people come and go, with a purpose, embracing a loved one, or just sitting alone like me, I noticed five boys my age run in and hide at my feet, under my table. Before I could look under and demand an explanmation, a mob of screaming girls ran right past the windows, down towards the exit of the airport. When the girls had passed, I looked under the table to see 5 pair of pleeding eyes, and stuck out lips. I see, they were trying to pull the puppy-dog look. It was working and I didn't even know what these guys wanted for Christ sakes! 

"If you boys were hiding from the mob of hormones, they are gone. I promise."

One by one, the boys got up and pulled me behind a corner so no one could see us. They all wrapped themselves into me as a group hug. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. When they pulled back, one spoke up for the first time. In the most attractive voice I had ever heard, he introduced himself and his friends

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