Sweet Perfection 17

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“Elijah?” I whispered. It couldn’t

“Rose.” He hugged me tighter than any hug before, but I hugged back just as tight. He grabbed my face and kissed my cheeks, nose, forehead, eye lids. Everywhere. They guy he knocked out was still on the floor, but slowly starting to move. He took my hand and dragged me outside. I should have told the boys but I couldn’t find my voice.

“What the fuck? Why, why are you here?!” I asked, kind of yelled.

“Rosie, why are YOU here? I’ve been here for three months soon. God, it’s so good to see you.” He said pulling me in for another hug. As much as I wanted to fall asleep in his arms and have him take me upstairs to his room and cuddle all night like old times, I wasn’t his anymore. I guess I never actually was his, but I have Zayn. I don’t love Elijah like that anymore.

“No. Stop. Lijah, what are you doing here? Why didn’t you tell me you were here? I texted you. I called, everything. You haven’t seen me on T.V?”

“No, T.V. why are you on T.V. Rosie. What happened? Tony, he didn’t hurt you did he? He promised he wouldn’t if I left.” He started.

“Excuse me? You left because Tony? No, he left, and then I found Zayn and the boys. I have a boyfriend. I love him Elijah. You were right, it wasn’t you I needed, it’s him. “

“Oh, Rosie I’m so glad. Tony told me he wouldn’t let you be happy if I stayed around so I left. I was going to come back after six months and check up on you, but I needed to wait.” He said. We caught each other on what had been going on when a breeze went by and I realized how cold I was. I shivered and bit my lip. When I looked toward the door, I saw Zayn come out.

“Baby, there you are. Jesus Christ how cold are you. Here take this. He said putting a jacket over my shoulders and pulling me to him. I wrapped my arm around his waist and he put his chin on my head.

“How’s this?” he asked.

“This is Elijah. Haha funny right?” I nervously laughed. Unsure of how he was going to take this. He knew how I felt about him and I didn’t want him to over react.

“Oh really. It’s so great to meet you.  So you’re the guy who kept Rosie safe before me?” He said holding out one of his hands. Elijah looked at them, with his hands in his pockets. He looked at him and smiled and shook his hand.

“So you’re the guy keeping her safe now?” he said half jokingly. This was awkward and I needed out of this situation.

“Well, Lijah, we’re going to go back in. It was nice seeing you.” I knew he didn’t want to dwell back on the past, so I let him leave without anything. I walked in with Zayn’s arm wrapped around my shoulder. I was happy. We met up with the boys and Ellie and Danie. We all left, Ellie on Louis's back, Danie on Liam's, me on Zayn's, and Niall on Harry's. It was so much fun. I loved concerts, even though the girls couldn't make every one, I would make every one just so i can support my boys.  When we got back on the tour bus, Zayn went to go change, while the rust of us were chatting in the living room. After twenty minuetes, I desided to check on him. Ellie and Danie had already taken their boys to bed and Harry was submerged in a video game. When I got to his bunk, he was passed out face down in his bed, still wearing his outfit, all sweaty and such. Poor baby. I took his shoes off and his shirt. I pulled his jeans off till he was left in his boxers and closed the curtain. My bunk was clutterd with clothes and computers. I desided to grab a bite to eat and tell Niall goodnight. 

"Hey Nialler, wanna hook a woman up with some grub?" I said wiggling my eyebrows. He handed me a plate of cheese Pizza Rolls and shoved a bowl of microwavable Velveeta mac-n-cheese. Yum. Foodgasm. 

"Thanks Nialll" I said with my mouth full. 

"Welcome" he said the same way. 

"Well, I guess I'd better go to beddie bie. Harry, can I use your bu- where'd Mr. Styles go? Please tell me he didn't go to bed! Dammit!" as Niall nodded.

"Sleep with me. I'm so lonely." he said with puppy dog eyes. Of course my Darling, but you know, you must carry me. " I said with out stretched my arms. He picked my up bridal style and plopped us down on the bottom bunk below mine. He stripped off his clothes and tucked my head underneath his chin. He stroked my hair and hummed in my ear. "Goodnight Love, I'm glad you found where you belong finally. " He said.

So I said the only thing I could in the state of tirdness I was in. "Home"

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