Sweet Perfection 12

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Chris, I'm at the shop you told me to meet you at. Hurry, I'm cold.

I shivered as I put my phone in my coat pocket. I had dark wash jeans on and black boots with studs on one side. My hair was down natural. No fucks were given today. As usual. The boys were in a meeting so I desided to meet up with Chris. 

"Hello Lovely. Don't you look beautiful, like I was excpecting" someone said. That voice could only be the most sexiest/talented man ever. Well, second, Zayn takes first place now. 

I giggled and gave him a hug as he picked me up and spun me around. He took my hand ans we walked into the shop. We were just sitting down when he brought up Zayn. 

"So how's lover boy? He isn't upset you came to see me huh?" he asked looking at the menu. 

"Oh no, he knows how much I love you." I said, but quickly covered it up when he looked up at me through the menu. "I mean, he knows how much of an inspiration you are to me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here, so I wouldn't even have met him." I explained. 

"I  hope he knows I don't plan on taking you away from him, but if he doesn't put a ring on that finger sometime, you better call me, cause you are way too precious to lose. " he said winking.

"Sure thing Chris babe" I said leaning over the table and kissing him on the cheek. 

After lunch, we walked out to have a smoke. I promised Chris this once, so it wouldn't hurt any one. 

"I promised the boys that I wouldn't smoke anymore, so next time, acid." I told him winking. 

"Alight babyyyy!!!!!!" He said switching his caggarette to his other hand and picking me up with his right. Kissing me on the cheek, he set me down. 

"Well, this was nice. I better get back though. The boys should be back. I'll see you later." I said, tossing my ciggarette in the trash. 

"Bye love bug, I love you." he said, walking the other way. Sigh, how'd I get such great friends and such a perfect boyfriend in like, two weeks.

As I walked on the bus, I saw the boys lounging on the bus with Ed Sheeran on the couch. 

"Hi boys, Ed." I said as I walked past them to the bunks.


"OMG ED SHEERAN! I love you! You are like beyond perfect! What are you doing here?" I screamed right in his ear. 

The boys laughed at me and Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me so I was sitting on his lap.

"Calm down baby, you want to scare the man away?" Zayn teased in my ear. I instantly relaxed and melted into him. It was nice seeing Chris, smoking, walking around town, Ed Sheeran, but nothing was better then my Zayn. I closed my eyes and just breathed. When I opened my eyes Niall was looking at me funny. He mouth 'Are you okay?' I nodded and smiled. Zayn had his head in my shoulder nuzzling my neck. 

"You smell like smoke?" he whispered in my ear, obviously hurt. 

"I had a ciggarette with Chris, I'm sorry. It was only one, and I didn't get a buzz." I said. I couldn't lie. Lying got relationships no where. There was no way I was going to jeapordize this by telling a stupid lie. 

"It's alright, but we should really shower to get that smell out of your hair." he said winking, somewhat joking, but also hoping it would happen. 

"Later, after Ed leaves, we can get rid of it." I said, smirking. His jaw hit my shoulder. He was definatley not expecting me to say that. 

"So why is Ed here boys?" I asked, noticing that they usually don't have guest very much. 

"He was here writting a new song. Needed some peace and quite. He was having a little trouble so he came to ask Niall. We are all stumped though." Louis explained. 

"Could I help?" I asked, I loved writting. This could mean so much to me. Helping one of my favorite artist. 

"Err.. I didn't know you wrote love, of course, we will go to the bunks. You guys stay here and get writing. " Liam said as he dragged the boys out. Thsi would be fun. After we finished, which was like 4 hours past, I realized I hadn't even told him my name.

"I'm Rosalie by the way. I'm a huge fan" I said.

"I'm Ed, as you know, I hope to be one of yours one day. You are an amazing writer, and an incredible singer. Say, would you perhaps like to sing this song with me? It'd really help me out. I haven't gotten any duets yet. Please?" he asked.

"Of..Ofcourse. I'd love to! Thanks so much! You have no idea how much this mean to me." I screamed jumping on him. "OH MY GOD!" 




The boys came running out of the bunks with their cellphones as weapons. They saw me squeezing the life out of Ed and relaxed. 

"Is that all you've gotten done? Rosie, hurry up and help him so you can give me that promise." Zayn whinned.





"NOOOOO1!" Niall screamed and grabbed my waist. 

"Nialler what's wrong? Aren't you happy for me?" I asked him. What's wrong with this?

"You are finally going to realize you are too good for us and leave! " He cried. Literally crying. I hugged him to me as hard as I could. I looked at the other boys hopefully that they knew I never would leave them. They were all looking at the ground, they all looked so sad. 

"Stop it right now. You boys should know right now that I would never leave you. EVER. You guys are a hundred times better than I will ever be. No matter what, you guys can't get rid of me that easily. " I looked at them sternly. 

"We're sorryyy!!" They said in unsion and tackled me for a group hug. I popped my head over someone's shoulder and crained ot towards Ed "Sorry Eddy, but you keep the song, I'll stay where I belong. With my boys. "

"But-" all six said.

"Let's play it once, but I don't want to do anything away from them."

They all got comfortable and me and Ed jammed out to his new song. Kiss Me.

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