Sweet Perfection 19

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Today, we were going to the gym. I had a pair of yoga kapris on and an old NeverShoutNever tshirt with my hair thrown up in a high ponytail. When I walked out of the bathroom, the boy's all gaped at me. Their eyes were falling out of their sockets. I giggled and pretneded not to notice. 

"Ready?" I asked flirtatiously. 

"Ugh huh" They all grunted. I laughed and turned on my heels and walked out. I felt two strong arms wrap around me and drag me backwards. I found myself in Zayn's embrace. I smiled as he picked me up so my legs were wrapped around his torso and my arms around his neck. I placed kisses on his cheek and nose. He walked to the door where the volleyball courts were. 

"We came to the gym to be active, not have our boyfriends carry us around!" Niall said.

"Hey, girls versus boys? Niall on our side though!!!" I yelled. We got on the sides and war began.

The girls plus Niall were winning, but the boys were catching up fast. I spiked one right into Harry's face after he joked about my butt. By the looks of Zayn's face he was about to. When I looked up. the ball was coming right to me. I put my hand up to block my face and my finger instantly started to throb. I laughed it off and contiued to play. It hurt like hell. I kept playing with a smile but once we won I ran to the bathroom to examine it. It was purple and puffy. I wrapped it in wet paper towels and walked out. 

"Hey guys, I think my finger is jammed?" I said, holding out my hand. Zayn jogged over, dropping the basketball he was about to shoot and grabbed my arm. He carefully brushed his fingers over my hurt one and when i fliched he looked up at me. 

"It's definalty broken. Babe, no more volleyball for you until you work on your bumps" he said winking. 

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