Sweet Perfection 14

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When I woke up, I realized Zayn was still asleep. He was so precious. I can't believe what went down last night. I was lyng on my back and he was laying chest down ontop of me. His head was on my breast. There was a knock at the door. Who the fuck could that be?. I got up and let Zayn sleep more. I wrapped the sheet around me and went up to the door. When I opened it, reporters and photographers flooded in. Too many people, too many noises. I couldn't take it. They were all too close, touching me too rough. Then, some Directioners barged in. Zayn was still asleep! 

"Rosie aren't you with Christofer Drew Ingle?"

"Are you in a hotel because you don't want the boys to know about this?"

"Are you with Ed Sheeran now?"

"Zayn, is it true you are seeing Perrie?"

The last thing I remember was Paul coming in. Then I blacked out.


Zayn Pov

When I woke up, it wasn't really how I was expecting.

I woke up to screaming fans trying to rip the blanket off me, or the only clothing item  I had. Rosalie was being interigated by reportes as photograpjers snapped pictures of her trying to stand up while keeping her sheet on. I tried to get up and help her but there was just too much going on. Then Paul came in. He pickerd her up and carried her to the bed. The rest of the body gaurds had taken most of the people out. A few stray photgrophers and fans were still running around trying to get some pictures. They got one of Rosalies butt hanging out of the sheet. I pulled it down and ran him out. Paul put her on the bed and I got her a wash cloth. I put on some boxers and slid on some jeans. I decided as beautiful as she is, she needed some clothes if we were ever going to get out of here.

"Come on baby wake up" I cooed in her ear. I decided to tease with her "Come on, hurry up, the kids need to get to school soon." 

"WHA?!?" she jumped up. Kids is a touchy subject. We have to talk about that later.

"Come one babe, we are gonna go back to the bus. You're okay right? Nothing broken?" I asked smiling.

Then she started to babble "I'm so soory Zayn! I wasn't thinking. I didn't know they knew. Then everyone was around me. Too many people! Im sorry I'm so stupid. You are okay right? None of those fringy bitches hurt you right??" She asked, suddenly checking over me. 

"I'm fine" I reasuured her as I cupped her hands, which were holding both sides of my face." You're fine, it's alright Kitten. How were you supposed to know? I never told you and you have no reason to check every place you look for the Papp. Now you do of course. Remember to not believe a single thing you hear, read, or whatever they tell you though. Most of it is made up garbage. Come on and put these on and we can go back to the bus. The concert is tonight." I said handing her some underwear, a bra, a sweatshirt and some jeans. I threw on a shirt and my coat. I grabbed her hand and let Paul lead the way. I just knew downstairs was gonna be hell. Wonder what the boys were up to?

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