Sweet Perfection 2

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After eveyone woke up and we all went downstairs for breakfast. The boys wanted to know everything about me, so we were going to play 20 questions after. I was nervous, cause I didnt want them to reject me because of my self harming, or find out that they really hate me, and leave me here all alone. When we put all the dishes away, I decideded to move the game to my room. While the boys were showering, I went to check my phone, cause I just got out. I had 3 missed calls from my mom and 4 from my dad. Oh boy was I screwed.

I called my mom back and once she answered, it was all screaming. "You worthless little slut! Hw come you cant answer you fucking phone when I call you the first time! You know, I'm very fucking busy, you think you can just call when you want to! Think againg, you are going to be gronded when I get there. Im going to beat the shit out of you! Your father too!" I was silently sobbing in the corner, rocking back and forth as her rant went on "I should call Tony and see if he will come 'watch' you for me considering I cant!"

I gasped wih horror, Tony was my ex, the one who beat me and took my virginity, she knew just as well as I did what he did to me. I sobbed even louder and begged her not to call him. "Now you want me to do you favors, as if. Now when I'm calling him now. He will be over in 2 days. You shouldn't push him away when he tries to fuck you, he's pretty good. I would now" With that, she hung up, and I through up. Luckily the trash bin was right next to me. In the middle of me hacking up breakfast, I felt someone pull my hair up and rub circles in my back. When I finsihed, I looked up and noticed all the boys around me. Liam took the bin and threw it away after Itold him to, and Harry thrust a glass of water at me. I gratfully took it and gulped the whole thing down. When I looked up I was in Zayn's lap and they were all looking at me, expecting an answer of why I was throwing up and cruing from getting off the phone. 

"Love, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, can we do something babe?"

i started crying again and babbled some what of an answer "They  h-he's  c-coming back-k, to hit-t me. Don't let h-him hurt me p-pleasee." I wailed as I clung to Zayn's shirt. 


"Wait what!?"

"No one will ever hurt you babygirl"

"Yah, no one!"

"They'd have to go through us first!"

After I settled down a bit, I explained that my ex was a douche, along with my parents, and how he was coming in 2 days, and how dead I would be. Zayn griited his teeth, and got up and put me in Louis' lap. Was he mad at me? Before he left the room he pulled out his phone. Was he calling to get out of here? I knew it, he couldn't like me like I liked him! Wait what?! Since when did I like Zayn? Ugh who am I kidding, I really really really like Zayn. But obviously no one could love me, just like dad said to me after he'd beat me.

The boys all had confused faces, but only kept comforting me. When Zayn came back in, he looked a little better, but asked if the guys would go out in the hallways and talk to him for a second. They all gave me reassuring smiles and went to the hallway, to probably talk about how they were going to escape. When they walked in, they all were smiling, but trying to hide it. As I'm counting it down until they leave, Zayn walks up to me, and picks me up, and puts me back in his lap. He whispers in my ear,

"I will never let anyone, not even you" as he pulls up my sleeves and shows my cuts to let me know he understands what I did. I blushed and looked down."hurt you again. You mean more then anything to me, and if you think for one minuete I'm letting himnear you again, you are crazy." He tilts my chin up so I am looking at him, and hestares into my eyes. I'm shocked, no one has ever said anything like that to me. I knew Lacy felt that way, but she never said it. I was staring at his lips, and I could feel that he was looking at mine. As we leaned in, we heard a cough from behind us. I whipped my head up to see Harry and Louis smirking down at us.

"If you two love bird are done, mind if we ask the lady to pack her things?" Harry asked, winking when he said love birds. Wait, PACK?!

"What do you mean PACK?!" I all but screamed!

Louis and Harry tsked Zayn and said" You didn't tell her mate? Well I guess we get to inform the lass." Harry said to Zayn, then Louis. "Well love, we are going back on tour tomorrow." Louis started.

My heart fell, I knew a my eyes were betraying me again and were most definalty crying. I couldn't help it, they were leaving. 

"Now, now, lass, what's wrong, you haven't let him finish. We aren't leaving you here love." Zayn cut in before I fully drenched his shirt again with my tears. 

"We are taking you on tour with us babe! It's all set! You don't get a say in it. We just need you to pack and we leave at four in the morning tomorrow and our plane takes off at seven!" Harry finished, smiling as big as a whale. I jumped up and hugged them and screamed, similar to Lacy's screams earlier this month, and ran to Liam and jumped into his arms. I kissed him on the cheek and thanked him before i ran downstairs to see Niall stuffing his face with waffles. I jumped on his back and kissed his head until i thought he understood how happy i was. 

Once we were all packed, and the car was packed, we all had supper, and watched a movie. I picked my favorite movie, Pinapple Express, ans while it started, I made some pop corn in the kitchen. As I was getting the bowls out, someone wrapped there arms around my waist, and tucked their chin into the crease of my neck. I inhaled the lucuois musky scent of my Zayn and smiled. 

Wait slow down there speedy McQueen. YOUR Zayn?! He is just a friend, he doesn't feel that way about you. No one does and no one will. 

I leaned into him and he picked me up so my legs were drapped over his hips and my arms over his shoulders. He placed my butt on the counter and stood in between my legs. His head was in my chest and mine was looking over his shoulder at his cute little butt, while I played with his hair. 

The boys walked in and quickly ran out when they saw us, trying not to ruin the moment. I closed my eyes and went back to out own little world, but I'm pretty sure they took pictures cause i heard the *click* and the giggles after. But quite frankly I didn't care. I was in his arms, that's all that mattered.

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