Sweet Perfection 8

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"Tony is coming Zayn. He is going to take me away from you! Don't let him take me! I don't love you Tony! Zayn!!!!" She screamed. She has been having these ever since we found her in the closet. We leave on the bus tomorrow at eight oclock. "Babe wake up. It's just a dream, no one will get you while I'm here. " I hummed into her ear, her favorite song, Cover you Tracks. Me sining or humming is the only way she gets sleep. Somethimes, me and the lads will switch off just to get us all have sleep. It's two in the morning now. 

"I'm soory baby, I should just go home. None of you are getting sleep" she said, as she pointed to Harry and Louis on the side of the bed, asleep on eachother after there shift at ten. "and I'm just a problem and..." she kept mummbling until I pulled her into a hug.

"God dammit Rosie, shut up. No one wants you to leave, and no one will let you leave either. You mean the world to all of us, That's why we are doing this. Because we love you. Now go to sleep."

She looked like she was going to cry, so I got her water on the nightstand, and she took a big gulp. She grabbed my shirt in her tiny fist, and burrowed her head into my chest, our legs entertwined. Why couldn't she love me like I love her? Yeah, I said it. I love her. I love Rosalie Ann Jackson. She is my world, but I can't complicate things, she is going through a hard time, and I can't pressure her into things now. I'm going to do everything in my power to make things right for her. 

Rosie Pov

The boys are so sweet. I couldn't do this without them. They havent seen my scars yet, and I added some new ones when the boys leave. I can't help it though. I really like Zayn. Why can't he like me back? Oh yeah, he is perfection and famous and popular and attractive, and I'm just, fat, ugly, nasty, everyone hates me. I keep forgetting. I need someone to love me right now. I've told Niall. I told him how I need someone to love me, and show it, and he acted really wierd. I brushed it off though. He was probably just hungry. Little Nialler. 

I woke up at six and noticed everyone was gone. Good, they were probably getting some sleep before they left. I sighed, God I was ruining their lives. I'm making a rule. No more crying on this trip. I turned the straightner on and picked out an outfit. Since we wouldn't be out in public for long, I picked out my old high school's sweatpants, and a One Direction Tshirt the boys got me yesterday. As I ran the flat iron through my hair looking at my self throught the mirror. I was distgusted. How could my perfect boys, be with someone as horrid as me. I finished my hair, and went into the bathroom. I sat down on the sink and got out my razor.

You're ugly 


You're a slut


You deserve no one









"Rosie? What are you..Rosalie Stop!!" Zayn screamed.

I felt so ashamed, he wasnt supposed to know. He threw the razor away and pushed me into his chest. No crying Ro. Not at all

"Sorry Zaynie. I needed to. It hurts after a while to not." I managed to squeak out. I half smirked at him, but his face was in so much pain.

"So, this isn't your first time?" He asked, I nodded and looked at my belly, then my thighs. He pulled up my belly and gasped. He gently brushed his finger tips over them, and looked up at me. 

"Why Rosie?" he whispered. I wasn't going to keep my promise at this rate. I closed my eyes. He pulled sown my pants, and graced his finger tips over my cuts there. 

"Most of these were before you Zayn, but I need someway to let this out." I said. 

"Never again, never. Do you hear me? You come get me if you ever feel like getting that razor, you call me. I'll make you feel better baby, I promise. That what I'm here for." He said as he stroked my hair. 

"Okay Zayn I promise. If you promise to never leave me. Ever?" I asked with my pinky outstreched. He took his pinky in mine, and leaned forward, like he was going to kiss me. 


I closed my eyes and leaned forward when 

"Hey guys, what the fuck happened! Rosie are you alrig... were you guys just about to kiss?" Louis barged in talking at the same speed of light. 

"No, definalty not, we were just, cleaning up and ughhh..." He looked at me for further explaining. I grinned as I saw him trying to cover up for me, but I could trust them with my problems. 

"Well Louis, I was cutting, but Zayn stopped me. " I said sheepishly, looking at the floor. 

"Baby, you didnt tell us. Why?" Louis asked. Notsounding distgusted at all. 

"I didn't want you to think you were getting some depressed emo case on your hands." I said. 

"Oh love, we could never think that. You are our family now, I know just about everyone one of us think of you as a sister, if not more. I just came in to say, the bus leaves in ten minuetes. All your stuff is loaded up, we just need you too. " Louis said with a wink, then left with the bathroom door open. 

He cleaned my arm and wrapped it up. 

"Zayn? would you carry me?" I giggeld and stretched my arms out.

He sighed "If i have to" but winked to let me know he would love to carry me. He sweeped me off the counter and carried me off down to the bus. The pap had a field day as we kicked open the Hotel door as we threw our heads back in laughter. He ran to the bus and set me down next to the bus, opened the door and bowed down "After you My Lady" He said with a posh accent. "THank you my Kind Sir." I retailiated. God he was perfect.

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