Sweet Perfection 4

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Don't scream Ro, don't you dare scream. Oh my God he is looking at you. Don't freak out. Smile! 

"H-h-hii.." I said to him. They boys started laughing at my stutter but Zayn just smiled. Chris, smiled, and turned so he was facing me. "Hello Beautiful. What are the chances of meeting the guy on your shirt/?" he said so beautifuly. I giggled, then realised he had said something. What was it again. He looked at me and chuckled. Shirt, something. I looked at my shirt and realised I was wearing a NeverShoutNever shirt. How embaressing.

I think he noticed my embaressment because he took my hand and stood up, pulling me up to, plling me into a hug. I melted into his embrace. This was second place heaven. A few days ago, I would said this was all i needed and thrown myself on him but now, I had Zayn, and the boys. and nothing is better then them. 

"I don't think you realize, I am such a big fan. Oh God. you are holding me! I love you so much Chris!" I said, at this, I noticed Zayn excuse himself. Wierd. I'd talk to him later. Right now, I needed to somehow get Chris Drew to love me and become my older brother. 

"Oh love, that's percious. I don't think I have a more gorgeous fan than you. What's your name? Where are you headed to my dear?"

"Well, I'm Rosalie, but you can call me whatever you want. Ughm, I'm going on tour with my friends, One Direction."

"Rosalie, what a pretty name, I personally like Ro, if you don't mind." he sid smiling. 

We talked for a good 45 minuetes when I noticed Zayn still wasn't back. 

"Excuse me Chris, I gotta go find.." but before I could finish, he cut me off.

"Gotta go find your boyfriend, by all means, go. Just promise me you will call me up and have a smoke with me once in a while." He said winking. 

"Oh no, he's not my boyfriend..."

"Then why do you guys look so much in love? Think about it babe, he may be just wjat you need. " I might have told Chris my entire life story, but hey, he gave great advice. He kissed my cheek and I got up to find Zayn. 

When I found him, he was asleep next to Nialler. How cute. I made Niall leave and sat next to Zayn. He grabbed me and snuggled with me until we got there. I could stay like this forever. I heard a hollar behind me. It woke up Zayn too, so we turned around to see Harry butt naked. I giggled as Zayn's hand covered my eyes and pulled me back to him. 

"Zayn?" I asked. I didn't really want anything. I just wanted to know if he was awake. 

"Yes lovely?" he said, sleepily, which was beyone sexy. 

"Nothing, but ugh, when do we leave on the bus?" Good cover up Ro.

"Well, once we get to London, we have 3 days to spend at the hotel, then we go on the bus." he answered. 

I looked over, and he was asleep, poor baby, must not have gotten any sleep. I descided to drift away into pleasent slumber as well. Not without kissing Zayn on the kips and whispering "Goodnight, my love." 

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