Sweet Perfection 11

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When I woke up, I felt like shit. What happened? The memories came swirling back to me. We took a pit stop and I broke out a box of ciggaretes the boys had yet to find, and smoked half the box in about two hours. I took my time on each one so I would get a buzz. I chewed a whole pack of gum and bathed my hands in lotion. I called Tony and my Father and told them both off. I told them I had a boyfriend and we were going to have sex. I tried to rape poor Zayn and a cheesburger. They put me in the bunk. Ugh I really hope they don't figure out I smoke. Did I tell them? Oh shit.

I ran to the garbage can outside the bunk room. I threw up so much I couldn't even hold my self up. I felt arms grab me and pull my hair up as they rubbed my back soothingly.

"You okay doll? That was the most violent hacking up I've ever seen. And we've seen a lot thanks to Niall over there." Liam said, as he was holding up my hair. Louis was rubbing my back and Zayn was holding me of course. Harry had a cup of water for me and Niall had some mouth wash. 

"No more smoking for you beauty queen." Zayn said. "Atleast not that much in one day." he said after he saw my face. If I couldn't smoke, I'd cut, and if I couldn't cut I'd smoke. I was messed up, I know. 

"It's not that, I tried to get a buzz last night, it was my fault." I defended. 

"No more smoking, we want our Rosie for as long as possible, we will help you love bug" Harry said. I knew they were just tring to be nice, but this wasn't negotiable. I wasn;t going to quit smoking. Period. 

"I can do what I want, you think this is my first time getting sick off a buzz. No one can tell me how to live my life, escpecially five guys I just met. "I said as I stormed off. Into my bunk. I was looking at old pictures of me and Elijah. I missed him. He never told me how to live my life. He tried to not get me on ciggaretes, but failed. We'd do acid together, and just love eachother. We never said it. Ever. He didn't believe in saying it if we couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. So I turned on some Cage the Elephant and Moon Taxi, some bands he got me into. 

"Can I come in? We need to talk." Zayn said.

"Alright, whatever." I yelled over the music. He opened the curtain and plopped on the bed. He was laying on his back, looking up at me. He smiled and I just couldn't be mad at him. I pulled his head into my lap and started playing with his hair. It was so soft and silky. 

"You know, that really hurt the lads. We know you have a past we haven't even come close to knowing the whole of it, but that doesn't mean we don't care. We love you Rosalie. You need to understand, what we do is for your safety. They shouldn't have acted like they were in charge of you though. I told them, they really want to apologize Rose. Could you forgive them?" he said with his brown orbs starring into mine. 

"Of course I forgive you guys." I said, slashing open the curtain to reveal all of the boys looking shocked I found them. "GROUP HUG!" i yelled and they all jumped on me hugging me tight. God I love these guys, no need to get all fussy.

"Who wants to go throw my ciggarettes out the window?" I asked winking. They all cheered and picked me up. I would do anything for these boys. Guess no smoke break with Chris Drew. I guess we could always do acid. 

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