Sweet Perfection 9

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When we got in the tour bus, the boys were already inside, sprawled all over the couch and counters.

“We decided to let the new-be pick the first bunk.” Harry said winking.

Zayn whispered in my ear “Pick the middle, on the right.”

I ran and tackled the middle one, as the boys followed pursuit and jumped on the other bunks. Zayn picked the top bunk on the left, so I could see him when our blinds were open. After we all out our stuff on the beds, we all met in the “living room” area to watch a movie together. I picked out  This Means War  cause it was my favorite movie when it came out. At first the boys threw a hissy fit, but they got over it. What can I say? They love me. During the movie, I was in deep thought about the past. Ever since I started making friends, and boys didn’t have cooties, I had made friends with the prettiest girls. Always prettier than me, always skinnier than me, funnier. Everything about them was better. Most were more willing to have sex, which was a big seller. But the point is, all the guys went to them, instead of me. No one wanted me. So I relied on my cutting, on my cigarettes, on acid when the boys would take me to their house on the weekends. The person who got me into all this was Elijah. I met him my freshman year. He was a senior, dating Lacy. They fell out, cause her dad wasn’t loving the age difference, but he became my brother before they got really deep. He was always there for me. I could always count on him. No one knew me better. He was the first person I told when I found out I was Bi. First person I took a drag of their cigarette.  He went through acid with me for my first time. He even carried me home when I drank too much at a party. I missed him a lot. One day, he texted me

I love you, but I ain’t cut out for here. You be good. Don’t miss me too much. I’ll always be there for you babe.

And that was the end of my Lijah. I never cried as much as I did. That was just two months before the boys showed up.

“I gotta pee” I croaked as I felt the tears. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

No tears Rosaile Ann Jackson or so help me I’ll…

“Ro, you okay? It’s just a movie I promise, go ahead and let me in.” I heard Niall say from the hallway. Of course, just blame the movie. I wiped the almost tears away and walked out

“Oh I’m fine Nialler, just that movie is so greahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOUIS! HARRY!!!!!!” I screamed, as I was soaked head to toe with water from their water guns. Who even brings water guns on a tour bus in the first place?

“You boys are so dead!” I yelled as I chased them around the bus. You think it’d be easy, but they are fast demons.

“Ah lads, leave the poor lass alone. She didn’t do nothing to ya!” Niall said in my defense.

All they could do is laugh as chased after them in attempt. Then I had an idea.  I leaned on the door frame, took of my Tshirt and threw it at them. Luckily, I was wearing a cute bra.

“Oh boys…. Why are you running away?” I asked, playfully, as I winked and bit my lip.

“DIBS!” Harry and Louis yelled at the same time, running full speed at me. I locked my self in the bathroom and laughed until I changed into P.J.s aka some booty shorts and a tank top. Boys were so easy to get. I walked out and when I looked at Harry and Louis, they were pouting on the couch with their arms crossed.

“Awhh, cheer up boys, I’m not that cute anyway. “ I said laughing as I snuggled next to Liam, my older brother now. Elijah would want there to be someone to watch over me now that he’s gone. Now I got five.

“You don’t get it do you? “ Zayn asked incredulously.

“I don’t get what?” Curious as ever to what he is getting at.

“That you are drop dead gorgeous Rosie!” Nialler and Harry said at the same time. Niall blushed but Harry just winked.

“Can we not talk about this guys?” I asked, not wanting to argue.

“Ugh, fine. One condition. Who’s Elijah?” Zayn asked. He seemed, almost jealous! I must have left my phone open to that text! He must think it’s recent, or some old boyfriend.

“Elijah was my rock, my older brother, my everything back before you guys,” I said smiling like a four year old when told to ‘Cheese’,”he left two months before you guys, with that text the only notice. No one knows, but, we all thought he’d be back.”

“Sorry, Ro, we just thought, you weren’t telling us everything.” Liam said sheepishly rubbing his thumb in soothing circles on my arm.

“You are fine guys, I know the text is a little crazy. But it was sent a while ago.” I said.

“Well, let’s get to bed.” Louis said.

I said my goodnights and got my kisses from the boys. As I was laying in my bunk, I gotta text from Zayn

Come to my bunk, I gotta ask you something. Xoxoxo

Oh God, whats he gonna ask!? I slowly, and shakily crept out of my bunk, and up the ladder to his. I crawled in and there he was, in all his glory, waiting for me with a smirk even God couldn’t resist.

“Come here baby.” He said, very sleepily I might add. Sleepily in code for SEXY! I crawled up to him and wrapped my arms around him. We cuddled for a bit, then I rememebered why I was up there.

“Zayn, what did you want to ask me?”

“Rosalie Ann Jackson?”

“Ughm yeah?"I asked cautiously.

" Would you be mine? As in my girlfriend. I’ve never been happier. I want to make you my everything, cause you are pretty close without even trying. “ he said, almost nervously.

“Welll, I don’t know….Maybe..one condition.” I said, coyly

“You’re killin me doll,what can I do?” he said, almost believing I was serious.

“Sing to me tonight and I’m all yours” I said giggling.

“Anything for you baby.” He said, kissing my nose. That wasn’t good enough for me. I kissed his lips and caught him by surprise, but soon, he got with it and kissed me back. When we pulled back, breathless, but all smiles, he started singing “I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know” and I melted, I turned around, so he was the big spoon, and I was the little spoon, and one arm was under me, holding my hand, while the other was wrapped around my side, holding my stomach and my hand was over that hand, making sure it didn’t leave. And in that moment, I was happy. Until the next morning, when I got the text I was dreading. Really Mom, worst timimg ever!

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