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   Wooyoung's pov

   I smiled softly as San rested his right hand on my left thigh. I grew confused at my own smile. Why was I so content with another male touching me? Why wasn't I pulling away?

"Are you okay, baby? You seem tense," San asked as we pulled into the yard of his house.

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Baby, don't lie to me; you know I don't like it," San claimed as he lifted the console of his car up and scooted closer to me.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm not used to anyone but Yunho and Mingi touching or holding me..." I trailed off and looked away from San. San gently held my chin and turned my head to face him.

"Am I making you uncomfortable with anything? Please tell me if I am," San begged as he looked into my eyes sweetly.

"You aren't making me uncomfortable at all, which is what confuses me. After my ex, I barely would let anyone touch me, not even Yunho. Then, Yunho would force me to shower and eat and that made me comfortable with him touching me. Mingi is just a sweetheart, so I don't really mind him touching me either," I explained. I noticed San trying to hold back his anger.

"Sannie?" I asked softly, scared that if I raised my voice he would yell at me.

"Yes, baby?" San asked just as softly. His anger was disappearing as he looked at me longer.

"Why were you so angry? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, still very softly. I looked down and held his right hand with both of my hands.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong baby. Thank you for telling me this. I promise I'll try to never overstep your boundaries. If I may ask, though, when was the last time you were shown romantic love physically?" San asked. My cheeks darkened as I tried to turn away from his gaze.

  "Never," I closed my eyes. I was scared of his reaction. 

  "Can I kiss you?" San asked. I opened one eye before opening the other.  

  He was serious. He actually wants to kiss me? Why?

  "Why? You could have anyone else in the whole world, but you're choosing me?" I asked softly. San smiled and pulled me closer.

   "I don't want just anyone, baby. I want you," San claimed. I felt a burst of confidence and leaned forward.

   "I- I want you, too," I blushed still. San smiled before leaning towards me. He gently held onto my waist and nape before kissing my lips sweetly.

  "How was-" I cut San off with another kiss. I felt myself growing addicted to San and his love the longer we kissed. I felt as San gently held my waist. He gently tugged my hips and I stood on my knees with one on either side of him.

   "Baby, how far do you want to go?" San asked as he pulled away from the kiss.

   "I- I know this is all happening really quickly, but can we go all the way?" I asked as my cheeks reddened. San looked into my eyes to see any sort of hesitation, but there was none.

   "Is this your first time?" San asked. I blushed darker and nodded. San gasped and looked up at me.

  "Baby, I can't take your first time in a car. How about I try to make your first time as special as possible?" San asked. I smiled softly and nodded. San kissed my lips again before tapping my thighs.

  "You gotta get off of me so we can go inside, baby," San smiled. I shook my head and laid my head on his shoulder.

   "You're comfy," I smiled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He smiled and held onto my hips.

   "Baby, don't you wanna go inside and cuddle instead?" San asked. I nodded my head and quickly climbed off of him. He smiled still and kissed my hand before we left his car.

   "Let's grab your clothes, then we can cuddle," San said and popped the trunk. I grabbed two armfuls of clothes bags and waddled into the house.

   "Come on, you slowpoke!" I laughed and dropped the bags on my bed. San laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. He sweetly kissed the side of my neck. I blushed and gave him more access to my neck.

   He kissed my neck continuously. I groaned as he found a specific part on my neck that drives me crazy. He softly sucked on the skin before biting down.

   "I'm sorry, baby. I should've waited or maybe not even done that..." San apologized and backed away from me.

   "I'm sorry, Sannie..." I apologized too. San noticed my tears forming in my eyes as countless thoughts rushed through my mind.

   "Hey, hey, you don't need to apologize for liking something, baby. I need to apologize because I promised to make your firsts special..." San's eyes watered too. I gasped and wiped a tear as it fell down his cheek.

   "Babe, don't apologize. If I didn't want it, I wouldn't have let it continue," I smiled softly through my tears. San gasped.

   "You called me babe!" San smiled widely. I smiled too and leaned forward for another kiss. San kissed me back sweetly.

   "Yes I did. Do you like hearing it?" I asked as I looked down at my hands. San smiled widely.

   "I do, especially from you," San kissed my forehead sweetly. 

   "Yay!" I exclaimed and laughed happily.

   "Alright, do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" San asked. I nodded. San smiled again and took my hand.

   "Are you comfortable watching and cuddling in my room?" San asked. I nodded happily and allowed myself to be pulled into his room.

   "What movie do you wanna watch?" San asked.

   "Can we watch a funny movie?" I asked. San smiled and clicked play on a movie.

   "Come here, baby," San smiled still and made grabby hands.

  I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around his tummy.

  "Are you comfortable with me putting a blanket over us?" San asked another question.

   "Please? I'm cold," I whined. San laughed cutely and placed a blanket over us. I cuddled more into his side and kissed his chest.

   "You're so cute," San claimed and hugged me close.

   "You're cuter," I smiled and rubbed circles on his chest and stomach.


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