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Wooyoung's pov

I felt helpless as I watched San beat Yeonjun senselessly just as Yeonjun had done to me. I felt saddened that the same was happening to Yeonjun despite knowing he deserved it.

I banged against the window trying to catch San's attention.

When San looked up at me next, his eyes were wide, crazed. My blood ran cold as he walked over to the car where I am. He unlocked the doors as I slid away from him.

"Baby?" San asked worriedly. I cried into my hands and shook my head.

   "No! Please don't hit me too," I pleaded as I shook. San was scaring me. His hands were covered in blood, both his and Yeonjun's

   "Baby, can I sit down beside you?" San asked. I shook my head and sobbed.

   "Baby, please remember that I'd never ever hit you, okay? I only hit Yeonjun because he confessed to everything you told me, plus more. I never wanted to scare you, I promise. It's just like my anger took over and when I came back to it all you are crying and punching my window. I'm so sorry," San's eyes watered.

   "I'm scared," I cried softer this time.

   "Of what?" San asked. I looked up from my wet hands into his eyes.

   "You," I  said finally. San looked as though someone had shot him. I did verbally.

I knew he didn't mean to scare me, but he still did. He never stopped when I asked him to. He just continued on beating Yeonjun.

I climbed out of the car and called an ambulance.

"Hello? Yes, I have a male who has been beaten by someone, I have no idea who. He was left alone on the concrete outside of this restaurant," I said as I looked down at Yeonjun. I hung up the phone and knelt down beside him.

"If you tell anyone it was San, I won't even try to stop him next time," I snarled and walked back to the car.

I felt numbed by all the harsh emotions I felt at once. My tears dried up as I climbed into San's car and buckled my seatbelt.

"Let's go. I want to go to Yunho and Mingi's house." I demanded. San nodded and drove me there. I hastily climbed out of the car and entered Yunho's house with the key he had given me. I shut and locked the door behind myself and dropped to the floor.

   "Yunho!" I shouted, more tears in my eyes. Yunho and Mingi came running down the stairs to me. Yunho slid down beside me and held me to his chest. I grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and let my sobs ring out.

   "San- he- he beat up Yeonjun on our date! On our first date he beat up my ex!" I exclaimed. Mingi looked confused.

   "What did your ex do to you to make San do such a thing? I've never known San to be a violent man," Mingi said. I looked up at him.

  "Yeonjun beat me. Raped me. Cussed me out. He left his name on my thigh." I said numbly. I wiped my tears dry and stood up on shaky legs. Yunho pulled me into my room in his house and sat me down on the bed. He pulled out a pair of my pajamas and some underwear.

   "Do you want to take a shower?" Yunho asked. I shook my head. He nodded and helped me change into the clean clothes.

   "If you need anything else, send me a text. I'll make you some Ramen," Yunho smiled sadly at me and left me alone in the bedroom.

   Yunho was smart. He knew what my comfort food is.

   Mingi entered the room wordlessly. He sat down beside me, asking to talk to me.

   "Yes," I responded.

   "Woo, I know San a little better than you do. His anger never gets the best of him- ever. He's not a violent man, especially not with the person he loves and lives for." Mingi rubbed my back soothingly. He laid down on the bed and had me lay in his arms.

   I felt comforted by the taller male as he held me and spoke to me.

   "He lives for me? Why?" I asked softly. Mingi smiled softly.

   "Before you came into his life, he wasn't really living for any reason. He was just surviving. Now, he's more full of life. He's living instead of surviving, all because of you. Please, don't shut San out because of this. He just felt protective and wanted to eliminate what had harmed you.

   "He never meant to make you fear him in any way, shape, or form. He just wanted to make sure you are safe," Mingi said just as Yunho walked in with three bowls of ramen on a plate.

   "Here, bud. Eat up. You need your strength back," Yunho smiled and sat down on the bed with us. We all sat up and ate together.

   "I'm sorry to bother you, Mingi, but after we eat, can you take me back to San? I need to apologize for acting as I did," I mumbled then sipped the broth.

  "You probably don't need to apologize because the way you acted is completely normal in such a situation. If you do want me to, I will." Mingi said as he ate. I nodded and finished my bowl of ramen.

  "Thank you, both of you. I don't know what I would do without you," I smiled at the pair. They smiled back.

   "You'll never have to know," Yunho smiled. I nodded.


    The pair dove me back to San's house. I knocked on the front door, then was enveloped by a crying San.

   "I thought you had left me for good!" San wailed as he held me. I wrapped my arms around him securely.

   "Babe, I'd never leave you. I know now that you were just taken over by anger and your want to protect me. I'm sorry I-"

   "You don't have to be sorry, baby, I do. I shouldn't have gone back in that restaurant to get him. I should have just taken you home and took care of you! I'm sorry, baby. I promise I'll never do anything like that again," San promised. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

   "I believe you, babe," I smiled as his tearful eyes brightened from hearing me say babe. 

   "Thank you," San sobbed and pulled me into the house. He shut the door behind us and pulled me into his room.

"What are we doing?" I asked as he laid me down on his bed. He put a movie into the DVD player and clicked play. Mulan started playing on the tv.

He called his cook to make us some sweets. A few minutes later, the sweets were in front of us.

"I'm so, so sorry, baby," San apologized again. I smiled and pulled him to lay on my chest.

"If it wasn't okay, I wouldn't be holding you so closely. If it wasn't okay I would be calling you by your name instead of babe. If it wasn't okay I wouldn't still love you," I smiled down at him. He nodded and held me tighter.

"Thank you, baby. I love you," San kissed my chest sweetly. I smiled and hugged him.

"I love you," I smiled, feeling safe in San's arms once again.

   We continued watching mulan until I fell asleep in his arms. We slept until morning in his warm bed.

   "Baby, do you wanna go on an actual date today? We can go wherever you want to instead of where I want to take you," San said as he shook me awake. I smiled widely and nodded. 

   "Can we go see a movie? I really want to watch the new Disney movie!" I exclaimed. San smiled softly and nodded.

    "Yeah. Let's get dressed and then we can go watch the new movie. Do you want to go anywhere else? You know I'll be paying so you don't have to worry," San asked.

   "Can we also go to a cafe and maybe shopping?" I asked. San smiled and nodded. 

   "Yeah, of course!" San exclaimed. I smiled happily.

   Happy. I was feeling happy for once. I wasn't feeling down, or sad, or anything negative. I was happy.

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