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    Wooyoung's pov

   "Baby, I have to go to work. They need me," San smiled softly as I hugged him around his shoulders.

   "But- you've never been needed there before! Why do you gotta go?" I whined. San kissed my lips sweetly.

   "I gotta go before the company falls down, baby. I'll be back at eight." San tried to separate us gently. I held him tighter.

   "No, don't leave me. Can't I just go with you?" I whined. San smiled but nodded.

  "Sure. You can stay in my office while I work, okay? There's a bathroom connected to my office, and I have snacks in there also. Will you need anything else?" San asked. I nodded and walked to grab my sketch book and colored pencils.

   "I'm ready!" I exclaimed. San smiled and laughed.

   "Baby, you gotta get dressed! You can't just show up in your boxers," San was still laughing as I looked down at myself.

   "Should I wear a suit?" I asked. San nodded and kissed my cheek. I grabbed a maroon suit from my closet and pulled it on. San tied my tie for me then kissed me again.

   "Okay, let's go once you get shoes on," San said as we walked out of my bedroom.

   "Can we start sharing a bedroom?" I asked softly as we were driving. San smiled softly.

   "Of course, baby. Anything for you," San smiled and kissed my cheek at a red light. 

   "Yay!" I exclaimed and held his right hand. We soon pulled into a large parking lot. San hopped out of his car and opened the door for me. Cameras flashed their lights as we walked in.

   "Sorry about the paparazzi, baby. They're always out there," San apologized as we walked into an elevator.

    "It's fine, babe. Won't your name be slandered because I'm a guy?" I asked as we entered his office. San smiled and shook his head.

   "Nope. I came out as gay a few months before we got together, so it shouldn't come as much of a shock that I'm with you," San kissed my lips before walking out. I sat down in his chair and laid my sketchbook on the clean desk.

    There were a few stacks of paper on the corners of the wooden desk, but the center was clean. His chair was big and comfy, and it swiveled. I began drawing the view I saw outside of his window.

    A few hours later, a man knocked on the door. He looked shocked seeing me in San's office.

   "Who the hell are you? What are you doing in San's office?" He asked as he stood me up. He held my hands behind my back and dragged me out of San's office until we found a guard.

   "How could you let him into San's office?" He asked as he shoved me towards the guard.

    "Hongjoong, that's San's boyfriend, and you've scared him deeply. Look at the tears in his eyes!" The guard exclaimed. Hongjoong looked scared himself hearing about who I am.

   "Why didn't you tell me you're San's new boy? I wouldn't have dragged you out of there!" Hongjoong said worriedly. I shook their hands off of me and wiped my cheeks dry.

   "New boy? He had a boyfriend before me?" I asked softly. Hongjoong's eyes widened.

   "That's his story to tell. Let's get you-"

   "Hongjoong, what have you done?" San asked, eerily calm. Hongjoong gulped and looked away from San.

   "I didn't know who he was so I took him to Seonghwa," Hongjoong tried to explain.

    "You couldn't have checked the news headlines?" San asked. Hongjoong shook his head.

   "I'm sorry," Hongjoong apologized.

   "Pack your things and leave," San spoke loudly. I flinched from how booming his voice was. San noticed and came to me slowly.

   "Hey, hey, it's okay, baby. You're okay, you're safe," San comforted me gently. I hugged him tightly.

    "Thank you, babe," I thanked him before remembering what Hongjoong said.

   "What did he mean by "new boy?"" I asked softly as San led me back into his office. San sighed and sat me down in his chair.

   "Baby, I did date another guy before you," San said softly. I nodded and looked down at my scattered colored pencils.

   "Don't you want to know anything about him?" San asked. I nodded then shook my head once I caught myself.

   "Well, he was actually Hongjoong," San said after a moment of silence. I looked up at him.

   "Why did the two of you break up?" I asked. San rubbed his face with his hands.

   "It just didn't work out between us. Neither of us were happy, so we decided to stay friends," San explained.

   "I'm sorry to make it about me and us, but will that happen with us?" I asked softly. I didn't expect San to hear me, but he did.

   "No, baby, no! I love you, I never loved Hongjoong!" San said. Hongjoong nodded from the open door way and left, a large box in his arms.

   "Hongjoong, wait! I didn't- I did- ugh!" San yelled as said male left the company building. My eyes were wide as I watched the scene unfold before me. I looked down at my sketchbook and continued drawing.


   "Don't," I said as I drew in my sketchbook. San knelt down beside me and held my hands.

   "Baby, I love you," San tried. I nodded.

   "I love you, but it seems you still have feelings for him," I mumbled. San's eyes overflowed with tears.

"Baby, I promise you I do not have feelings for him still!" San promised. I looked away from him.

"It seems like you still do from how you tried to save yourself. Am I not good enough for you?" I asked. San's tears finally ran down his cheeks.

"Baby, you're more than good enough! It's just that he and I dated for three months before we called it quits. We genuinely had feelings for each other, but knew it wasn't going to work out!" San explained.

"If he wasn't good enough, why am I?" I asked finally.

"Because you actually love and care for me. Because you're kind, and sweet, and so many more amazing things, baby. Because you don't care about how much money I make and how I can use it on you. Because you are genuine in your love for me, and I love you," San smiled.

"I don't even have a job, or a college degree. I don't have anything, babe. Why am I good enough for you? Why do you settle for me when I can't return anything you do for me?" I asked.

"Because I don't care about anything being returned! You're more than good enough because you are you," San stressed. I nodded and kissed his lips.

"I love you, Choi San," I smiled once we separated.

"And I love you, Jung Wooyoung," San smiled happily despite the tears rolling down his cheeks.

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