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Wooyoung's pov

When we awoke next, San was still in bed with me. He was playing with my hair as he scrolled on his phone. I smiled up at him and pulled him closer.

"Good morning, baby," San spoke as he locked his phone and put it on his bedside table.

"What were you looking at?" I asked. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I was trying to figure out what venue we should host the engagement party at," San said.

"An engagement party?" I asked. San nodded and laced our fingers together.

"Yeah!" San smiled. I smiled and shook my head.

"We don't have to have a party, Sannie," I said as we got dressed. San helped me button my shirt with a smile on his face.

"Yes we do! I wanna show you off to all of my friends," San exclaimed before kissing my lips sweetly.

"Aw, really? You aren't ashamed-"

"Baby! I would never be ashamed of you! I'm not ashamed that I'm with you, either! I love you," San cupped my cheeks gently. He gently rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs as he spoke.

"I love you," I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. San held my hips and kissed my lips again.

    "Where would you want to have it?" I asked quietly as we swayed to silence. San kissed my forehead sweetly.

   "I was thinking we should have it close to Seoul. What do you think?" San asked. I nodded my head.

    "That sounds good!" I smiled and kissed his cheek before laying my head on his shoulder. We continued to sway gently for a small while until my stomach grumbled.

   "Let's go get you something to eat, baby," San laughed softly and pulled me into the dining room. The chef soon placed our breakfast in front of us before leaving.

   We happily ate our food together. I finished first so I laid my head on San's shoulder. San gently caressed my hair before continuing to eat. Once he finished, we walked back to his room so he could make some calls and host the engagement party.

"Babe, can we go to Yunho and Mingi's house first? I want to actually tell my best friend that I'm engaged instead of him having to find out by an invitation," I asked San once he had finished all of his calls.

"Of course!" San smiled and kissed my lips sweetly. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He gently held onto my waist.

"Let's go," I smiled widely and rushed to get my shoes on. San laughed softly and did the same.

"Yun!" I exclaimed as I unlocked their front door. Yunho smiled widely as he rushed to embrace me in his arms. I smiled widely and hugged him tightly.

   "What's up?" Yunho asked as we separated. I smiled even wider and showed him my left hand.

   "Is that what I think it is?" Yunho screamed. I nodded quickly. He squealed loudly and hugged me again.

   "I can't believe my bestie is gonna get married! Ah, I'm gonna cry," Yunho sniffled as tears dropped down his cheeks. I smiled softly as tears dropped down my cheeks.

    "I'm so happy for you, Woo! How did he ask you?" Yunho asked.

"He asked me while we were laying in bed together," I smiled and reached for San's hand. San gently laced our fingers together.

"Aww, how cute!" Yunho squealed. I smiled still and teasingly looked at Mingi.

"Min, when are you gonna pop the question?" I teased him. His cheeks darkened. Yunho and I laughed happily at his red cheeks.

"Maybe soon," Mingi grinned. Yunho's cheeks flushed red as he looked at Mingi.

"So, where's the party gonna be?" Mingi asked San. The two walked off to talk about the details of the party while Yunho and I walked up to his room.

"Your ring is gorgeous, Woo!" Yunho squealed as he held my hand. He studied the ring.

"Thank you, Yun," I thanked him as we hugged again happily.

"If you hadn't have told me to follow my heart, I would've missed out on getting engaged to San. I would've missed out on how much he truly loves me. Thank you, Yunho, for telling me to follow my heart," I thanked him as I cried softly. Yunho smiled sadly and hugged me again. We soon laid down on the bed as I fell asleep from crying.

San soon shook me awake, telling me it was time to go home. I yawned and followed him out to the car. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek once we got buckled in.

   "Do you wanna go for ramen since it's later at night?" San asked before he started his car. My eyes lit up at the mention of Ramen.

   "Please!" I exclaimed as I woke up quickly. San smiled and laughed softly.

We soon pulled into the parking lot of a convenient store. I smiled widely as San held my hand. I laced our fingers together while we gazed at the selection of ramen in front of us.

   "What kind so you like, baby?" San asked as he looked over at me. I smiled and pointed towards the one I like most. San nodded and grabbed two of them.

   San paid for them and led me outside to where the machines were to make hot water for the ramen.

   We soon sat down at a table with our ramen in front of us. We began to eat in a comfortable silence, until I couldn't handle the silence anymore.

    "Hey, babe?" I asked softly as I put my chopsticks back into my ramen bowl.

   "Yes, baby?" San asked before slurping up a bite of noodles.

   "I want to go to college," I mumbled softly, scared he might dislike the idea.

   "That's great, baby! What will you major and minor in?" San asked. I smiled softly, feeling relieved that he wasn't upset.

   "I want to major in music and minor in theatre," I spoke softly still. San smiled and gently caressed my cheek.

   "It's perfectly fine that you want to go to college, baby. I'll just have to find an apartment close to the college you choose to go to," San said once he finished his ramen.

   "Really? You aren't upset that I want to go?" I asked as I leaned my face closer to his hand.

   "No, of course not, baby. I'm glad you still want to pursue your dreams," San said, a soft smile on his lips. I stood up from the chair and hugged him tightly.

   "Thank you," I spoke as he wrapped his arms around me.

   "It's no problem, baby. I said I'd do anything for you, and this is no exception," San said. I kissed his lips sweetly.

   "I love you, Sannie,"

   "I love you, Youngie,"

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