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   Wooyoung's pov

    "Is this gonna happen every time I have to leave for work?" San asked, a soft smile on his lips as he looked down at me. I was still sat on our bed and had my face buried in his chest and my arms around his waist.

   "Well, yeah, 'cause you never tell me ahead of time! If you'd tell me your schedule, then I'd go annoy Yunho for the day!" I exclaimed, my voice slightly muffled by San's blazer.

   "Hurry and get dressed, sweetheart, and you can come with me," San said, gently running his fingers through my long black hair. I jumped up from the bed and rushed to our closet to grab a pair of black slacks and a burgundy button down shirt.

   As I got dressed, San handed me a black blazer to wear over the button down.

   "Aren't I just staying in your office like usual?" I asked, slipping it on anyway.

   "Nope, not this time. If you're to be my husband, then my employees and business partners need to know who you are as well," San explained. I nodded and sprayed some of his cologne on myself before putting on my shoes.

   "Sheesh, at this rate I should major in business administration," I said as I followed San to his car. San laughed softly before looking over at me.

   "Why? Are you gonna try to take over for me?" He asked. I shook my head quickly.

   "God, no! I've seen how stressful it is on you, who's done this for years. If I tried to take over I'd be gray haired by thirty!" I exclaimed. San gasped and squinted his eyes at me.

   "Are you trying to say I look old?" He asked playfully.

   "Well, if the shoe fits..."

   "I am twenty-six!" San began pouting the whole way to his company.

   "And I'm twenty-one. What's your point, babe?" I continued to tease him.

   "Don't make me stick you with Seonghwa for the whole day instead of being with me!" San gave me a playful glare once he parked the car.

   "Do it! You won't! I need to ask him what his skin care routine is, anyway. The dude is thirty-two and looks fresh outta college." I laughed as his eyes grew wide.

   "You bully... I'm leaving you here! Find your own way through the building!" San quickly threw open his door and raced through the parking lot. I laughed loudly as I chased after him.

   After a few minutes of chasing him through the halls, he managed to lose me. I was panting as I looked around the halls.

   "Jeez, he's in shape," I breathed as I began walking normally. After a while of walking in circles, I called him.

   "Sannie, you got me lost!" I whined once he picked up. I heard an unfamiliar voice answer back.

   "'Sannie?' Who is this? How do you have Mr. Choi's number?" He asked.

   "I should be asking you why you have my fiancé's phone! Did he already get to the meeting?" I asked.

   "Mr. Choi hasn't informed me about a fiancé. Again, who are you?"

   "I'm Jung Wooyoung! Who the hell are you?!" I exclaimed before I heard the line go dead.

   "Mr. Jung, Mr. Choi sent me to find you. Are you okay? You look upset," Seonghwa asked as he came closer to me.

   "First, don't call me "Mr. Jung" it makes me feel old. You know you can call me Wooyoung. Second, who the hell keeps San's phone while he's in meetings?" I asked, my chest starting to ache.

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