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Wooyoung's pov

We soon sat down at the kitchen table and ate together. San gently traced circles on my left thigh as he ate. I smiled softly and reached down to hold his hand.

"I'm sorry for it being so soon, baby..." San apologized. I smiled up at him and shook my head.

"Don't apologize, babe. I consented without being under any influence, so it's okay. Thank you for showing me love," I thanked him. San smiled widely and kissed my lips.

"After we finish, do you want to go with me to buy popcorn and a new movie? We can watch one in the living room or in one of our bedrooms," San said as he cleaned our dishes. I dried the dishes and responded.

"Sure. I love spending time with you," I smiled and hugged him once we were done. San smiled still and led me to his car.

Soon, we pulled into a convenient store and bought popcorn, candy, and some drinks.

"Can you handle drinking?" San asked as he stood in front of the soju. I shrugged.

"I've never had time to drink," I said.

"Do you want to try it? You don't have to if you don't want to," San spoke sweetly. I nodded and shyly added another bag of chocolate to the basket.

"That's a lot of chocolate, baby. Are you going to be able to eat it all?" San asked softly. I glanced up at him then back down to the four bags of chocolate candies.

"Probably," I shrugged again.

"Alright," San smiled. He grabbed four bottles of soju of different flavors and stuck them in our basket.

    "Will this be all for you?" The cashier asked as San sat the basket on the counter. San nodded and handed his credit card over to the cashier.

"Thank you for coming," the cashier thanked as we left. San and I walked back, hand in hand.

"What movie did you pick?" San asked as we walked into the house. I smiled and pulled out a scary movie.

"This one!" I smiled widely. San's eyes widened. I giggled and pulled out another movie.

"I didn't know which one you'd want to watch so I got two. I hope you don't mind..." I mumbled as I showcased the two movies. San smiled widely.

"That's fine, baby. Which one do you want to watch?" San asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"The scary one!" I exclaimed. San sighed but smiled softly.

"There's vanilla ice cream in the freezer, too, if you want some to go with all of your chocolate," San claimed as he popped a bag of popcorn.

"Won't I get too fat if I-"

"Baby, don't talk about yourself like that. I love you, so eat however you want to. I won't run off just because you gained some extra pounds. Hell, I might gain some pounds, too. It's fine if it happens, love," San comforted me sweetly. I smiled tearfully and hugged him around his waist.

"Thank you," I sobbed as I was held by him. He kissed my head before pulling me to face him.

"Can you please tell me why you're crying?" San asked. I wiped my tears but more replaced them.

"It's just- the last time I had a lover, he hated my weight and constantly controlled what I ate and drank so I would become skinnier. So for you to tell me you won't run off on me just because I get more chubby makes me feel relieved," I smiled until San looked angered. My smile fell and I cupped his cheeks.

"Babe, I'm okay now, isn't that all that matters?" I asked softly, scared of making his anger worse. San noticed and quickly calmed down.

"It makes me really angry to know Yeonjun would treat you like that," San claimed. I froze up hearing his name fall from San's lips.

"Baby, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" San asked softly.

"No, no, you didn't. It's just odd hearing you say his name..." I mumbled. San nodded and collected the bags of popcorn.

"I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could just erase your pain, but I know I cannot. Are you sure I can't do anything to hurt him?" San asked. I nodded and grabbed the tub of ice cream from the freezer. I scooped some into a bowl for me and some for San.

"Baby, you're gonna make my abs go away if you keep feeding me," San warned as he collected his bowl of ice cream and chocolate.

"I love you for you, not what you look like!" I exclaimed. San looked at me teasingly.

"Okay, fine. I like your abs. A lot. So what? I'm not gonna leave you because you ate a big snack. You can just work it off later, can't you?" I asked. San nodded and began eating. I pushed play on the movie and we watched it together.

San screamed when a jump scare happened. I smiled widely and held him to myself.

"It's just a movie, babe," I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled softly.

"Yeah, it is," San smiled still and shook his head. I smiled still and held his hand as I ate our snacks.

"Alrighty, do you want to try soju?" San asked as the movie ended. I shrugged.

"You don't have to. I don't have to either," San said. I nodded and grabbed a glass from his hands. He filled my glass full and told me how to drink it.

I followed his instructions and began drinking. I didn't feel anything with one drink, so I had another. Then another. Then eventually We finished all four bottles between us.

"Okay! Next movie!" San exclaimed. He wobbled as he put the movie in the player. I laughed drunkenly and hugged him once he came back.

"I love you," I cooed and kissed his cheek.

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