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    Wooyoung's pov

   "Babe, what do I wear?" I asked loudly from my bedroom.

   "A suit! Wear your baby pink suit, please!" San yelled. I nodded and grabbed the suit. I took it with me back into San's room.

   "Can I shower too?" I asked over the sound of the running water. I heard the door unlock and smiled widely.

   "Come on!" San exclaimed. I entered the bathroom and quickly began stripping.

   "Woah, what a show," San teased. My cheeks darkened as I started undressing him.

   "I could say the same for you," I laughed softly. San pecked my lips before we got into the shower. As I washed myself, he hugged me from behind.

   "I love you," San mumbled against my neck. I tangled my fingers in his hair and kissed his forehead.

   "I love you," I said. I felt as San's hands started migrating.

   "Sannie," I mumbled shyly. San laughed softly and turned me to face him.

   "Yes, baby?"

   "How long do we have?" I asked softly.

  "Two more hours," he said. I nodded and kissed his lips slowly, full of my love for him.

   He lightly held onto my hips as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and toyed with his hair.

   "Do you want this?" San asked. I smiled softly and nodded.

   "Please," I asked. San smiled and knelt on the tiled floor of our shower.

   A little while later, we finished our shower and got dressed in the suits. San helped me tie my white tie with a soft smile.

   "Babe, I'm gonna ruin this suit," I whined. San smiled knowingly at how messy I eat.

   "Baby, it'll be okay," San said. I laid my head on his shoulder.

   "Can I wear your cologne?" I asked softly. San kissed my temple.

   "Of course, my love," San said before grabbing his cologne. He sprayed us both before putting the bottle down on his table.

   We soon arrived at the church I used to go to. I smiled widely seeing my two best friends waiting on me, along with a lot of San's friends.

   "Babe?" I asked softly seeing how many people were inside the church.


   "How do you know so many people?" I asked as I stood closer to him. San laughed softly and put his arm around my shoulders.

   "I met a lot of them through work, sweetheart," he said.

   "Hi! I'm Wooyoung!" I smiled widely and waved. They nodded their heads, but one male with pink hair came up to San and I.

   "So you finally found yourself a lover? Good job," he smiled and patted san's shoulder. San smiled widely.

"Thank you, Yeosang. How's Jongho?"

"He's doing fine-"

"Jongho? Choi Jongho?" I asked. Yeosang nodded his head.

"Yeah; do you know him?" Yeosang asked.

"At one point I did, but we fell out once high school hit," I explained. Yeosang nodded and left for a bit before coming back with Jongho.

"Youngie?" Jongho asked.

"Hoho!" I exclaimed and hugged him tightly. Jongho wrapped his arms around me before he was tapped by San.

"Youngie, I can't believe you're getting married!" Jongho exclaimed happily.

"I know; I can't either!" I smiled widely.

   "Dang, so I guess our promise is off?" Jongho laughed, causing me to remember our promise we made in 8th grade.

   "What promise?" San asked.

   "Well, we had promised each other that if we turned twenty five without getting married, that we would," I laughed softly and shook my head. San's eyes widened.

   "I can't believe you still remember that." I gave Jongho a gentle shove with a wide smile. Jongho held his hands up in surrender.

   "Hey, in my defense you were adorable," Jongho said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed San's hand in mine.

   "Alright, Jongho, you're starting to make San jealous," Yeosang said and pulled his boyfriend away from us.

   "Baby," San whined. I laughed softly and laid my head on his shoulder.


   "How could you? I'm hurt," San teased me. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

   "Aw, it's okay babe. We're getting married!" I exclaimed. San laughed and nodded.

   "I know but still! You promised him you'd marry him," San claimed. I smiled and shook my head.

   "Babe, we both knew it was an empty promise," I promised. San pouted but nodded.


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