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   Wooyoung's pov

   When I awoke next, I was completely alone. San wasn't anywhere in my room. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. I staggered to pull on a pair of boxers and ran around the huge house looking for him.

   "Sannie?" I asked repeatedly as I ran around the house. When I came back to my room, he still wasn't there. He was gone.

   "Sannie," I mumbled and climbed back onto my bed. I curled into a ball and cried as I imagined him only wanting me for sex. It seemed logical since he wasn't anywhere around when I woke up.

   I continued to overthink until I eventually fell back asleep. When I awoke next, I sat upright in my bed.

   "Wooyoung, I got you- baby, were you crying?" San asked as he sat down the bag of items he was carrying in a chair.

   "No," I sniffled and hid under the blankets. San sighed and peeled the blankets away from my face.

   "Baby, why were you crying? Was I too rough? I tried to be gentle!" San exclaimed. I felt more tears well in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

   "I thought you left me and just used me for sex," I mumbled softly into his chest. San gasped and pulled my face away from his chest.

   "Baby, I would never leave you after love. That's not how I am!" San claimed. I looked up at him as a tear dropped down my cheek.

   "But you did, Sannie. You weren't anywhere in the house when I woke up. I know because I checked the whole house," I mumbled and cried softly.

   "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't know it would hurt you if I left to get you sweets," San apologized. I looked back up at him and wiped my cheeks dry.

   "Sweets?" I asked quietly. San nodded and pulled us apart. He grabbed the bag from before and pulled out a box of chocolate covered strawberries.

   "How did you know I love chocolate covered strawberries?" I asked as he opened the lid. San smiled softly and kissed my forehead.

   "I just figured you would," San smiled still and fed me a strawberry. I smiled widely and covered my mouth as I ate.

   "Thank you, Sannie. I'm sorry for freaking out over you," I apologized. San's eyes widened slightly.

   "You don't have to apologize, baby. I should have waited until you were awake to get them for you," San said. I smiled softly and kissed his cheek. I giggled as I saw some chocolate on his cheek from my lips.

   "Sorry," I smiled and wiped his cheek clean. San smiled softly and gently moved the box of strawberries away from us. San leaned forward and kissed my lips sweetly.

   "Sannie," I mumbled once we separated. San hummed and looked into my eyes.

   "I- I think I love you..." I mumbled still. San smiled and kissed me again.

   "I think I love you too," San smiled happily. I soon realized it had only been a week since he and I had known each other.

  "Wait! Isn't it too soon?" I asked timidly. San laughed a little. 

   "We just had sex earlier today, and you're asking if it's too soon to love each other?" San asked. I nodded and looked down.

   "No, baby, it isn't too soon. It's happening naturally, so let's enjoy it as it happens, alright?" San smiled and kissed my forehead.

    "Okay," I smiled too and leaned my head on his chest. San came to lay beside me and I laid my head on his chest.

   "Can we sleep more?" I asked softly. San smiled.

   "We can sleep any time you want to, baby," San smiled still and pulled the blankets higher over us. I smiled and cuddled into the older male.

   "Thank you, Sannie, for giving me a better life. Although it's only been like a week, it's been the best week I've had in months, years even," I spoke before falling asleep on his chest.


   When we awoke next, it was seven pm. I stood up to stretch and woke San up.

   "Babe, we have to eat something," I said and shook him awake.

   "Okay, I'll have my cooks make us something. What are you hungry for?" San asked. I shrugged and pulled on a pair of jeans. San came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

   "You're beautiful, baby. Why are you covering up?" San asked. I could feel his abs on my back, causing my cheeks to heat up.

   "I don't want anyone else to see me like you have..." I mumbled again. San nodded and sweetly kissed my cheek. His hands softly rubbed my chest and stomach.

   "Thank you for allowing me to get intimate with you, wooyoung. I love you," San claimed. I turned around in his arms and kissed his lips.

   "Thank you for even wanting to get intimate with me," I spoke shyly. San smiled down at me and lifted my chin.

   "I'm glad I was your first," San smiled before kissing my lips again. I smiled widely and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

   "I'm glad you were my first," I smiled as San gently rubbed my sides. I laid my head on his shoulder and gently traced his abs absentmindedly.

    "You seem to really like my abs," San smiled as he noticed a hickey on his top right ab. I giggled shyly and smiled.

   "Yes but I love all of you," I spoke cutely. San smiled even wider and hugged me close to himself. I soon felt water drop on my bare shoulder.

   "Babe, are you crying?" I asked as I gently rubbed his back.

   "I'm sorry that I'm crying, it's just- you're the first person to love me for me," San sobbed. I felt my heart sadden as I held him.

   "Let it out, babe. I'm right here with you," I smiled softly and kissed his temple.

   "Thank you," San thanked me once he stopped crying. I smiled and waved it off. 

   "Let's go get some food," San smiled and laced our fingers together.

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