Goodbye Friends

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(Your pov)

I woke up snuggled up on Matteo and once I moved my legs I winced in pain due to the fact that I had orgasmed twice yesterday.

"Wake up Matteo I said shaking him but he pushed my arms away. "Wake up Matteo" I said shaking him again he pulled me into his embrace again. I pushed him away and said "Matteo get up right now" he ignored me and turned around. I started shaking him roughly and yelled "MATTEO GET UP NOW" he turned around and growled out "if you don't shut up, I'll give you a reason to scream out my name." He then pushed me off the bed causing me to fall off the bed and groan in pain when hitting the floor.

I got up and pushed him off the bed making him fall off to and groan. "What the fuck was that for?" He groaned in pain also "For pushing me off first" I growled out making him laugh.

I walked away getting ready in a hurry and as I was about to get out I heard Matteo say "Where are you going?" I turned around to see a well dressed Matteo.

(His outfit btw)

(His outfit btw)

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(Your outfit)

(Kinda matching outfits ✨#Fucking couple goals✨ I swear😩)

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(Kinda matching outfits ✨#Fucking couple goals✨ I swear😩)

"Well your graduating in four days so I'm gonna try to hangout with my friends as much as possible." I replied back "Why hangout with your friends when you can hangout with your lovely husband" he said with a smirk on his face

"But my only husband is you? So what lovely husband?" I replied back trying not to giggle at my joke "Haha very funny, just be back before 8:00pm he said "Yes, my lord" you teased "Yes princess, I am your lord good job learning who your lord is" he replied back with an even bigger smirk then mine.

"Alright by babe" you said while walking out the door. You ran over to your friends and said "Hey guys" "Y/n what are you doing here? I thought Matteo didn't like you hanging out with us mudbloods" Hermoine stated while looking around to see if Matteo would storm here any second now dragging you away.

"Well like I said Matteo graduates in 4 days so I'm spending two with you and two with my slytherin friends."  They all nodded at me and Harry said "let's go to Hogsmade" we all agreed and took the train to Hogsmade.

We went shopping and had a great time. Me and Hermoine got tired of walking so the boys gave us piggy back rides. As we went to the twins shop and looked around I felt like someone was watching me.

I turned around to see my 'husband' glaring at me and Harry. I cleared my throat and said "it's getting late I think we should all get going, and by the looks of it Matteo's right there with Marcus so I'll go with them. It was fun hanging out with you guys, see you guys tomorrow bye"

I waved at them as they waved back I walked towards Matteo and Marcus. I walked up to Matteo and stood close to his face looking up at him, "Aww don't be jealous, love" I said.

His gaze slowly turned soft, he gave me a hug and kiss on the lips making sure Harry saw as he growled out "Mine".

"Marcussss" I whined "What do you need from Marcus huh? I can get you whatever you want princess" "Marcus control your brother I'm tired and wanna go to sleep" Matteo growled out at me as Marcus got off the wall swirling his toungh against his cheek.

"Matteo calm down there just friends" Marcus said in a soft tone I turned to Matteo and out my arms around his neck and put my hand in his hair, messing it up a bit.

"Thanks babe" I said happily "What for? I didn't do anything for you to be thanking me, so what are you thanking me for?" He asked confused

"For giving me some gallons" I said with a huge smile on my face knowing he didn't give me any gallons and that I had tooken them. "What? I didn't give you any gall- Did you take some gallons from me without me knowing?" He asked a bit angrily.

I gave him a kiss on the lips making him relax and he pulled me closer to him. Our moment got interrupted by Marcus saying

"Alright that's enough love bird let's go". As we started walking back to Hogwarts Marcus and Matteo were holding my bags while I was up ahead leading them with a huge smile on my face.

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