Ch. 40 - Begin the Offensive

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"Good job on clearing your exams. Eat as much as you want... I'll deduct it out of Uesugi-kun's pay." The Manager welcomed the group of students.

"Oh, Boss... Nice joke!" Fuutarou was pretending to smile.

"Thank you but we're still missing people." Itsuki recalled that Nino and Y/N weren't present yet.

"The hero already warned about being late. And the girl with two ribbons was here before you all but left shortly after." The man informed.

"She entrusted me with a message for you: 'Congratulations, your role's over'. Quite the strange thanks." He whispered to Fuutarou.

"If that's the case we should begin... But I felt sorry for those two." Yotsuba claimed, eager to be all together.

"No excuse, students must attend this event. I'll go fetch her." Fuutarou opened the door, headed outside.

"It's almost time for your shift, you can use this." The manager tossed him a keychain.

"Try to bring Y/N back too." Ichika asked.

"It may be difficult... He told me he's patrolling a big and remote area. Well, to be honest I bet he already forgot about the party." Fuutarou replied.

"Nineteen minutes till the end of the duty, and the store is ten minutes far by run." Y/N was checking his watch while roaming on a dark and desolate road.

"Good grief... There isn't a single soul in a mile! And the Hero Association needs someone to patrol this ghost town? Bullshit! I bet Sweet Mask arranged this crap in order to spite me!" The hero was yelling, stomping feet.

"Wait! Don't lose your coolness and focus only on the important stuff... They entrusted me with the defence of this vital district. I smell a promotion in sight!" He was deceiving himself.

"Eighteen minutes!" Y/N whistled while continuing his patrol.

"I'm glad you all managed to pass, congratulations." A black haired man was awaiting his daughter in front of the Penthouse.

"T-Thanks, Papa." Nino muttered, pondering her next words.

"Have to admit that you succeeded even without my help, going against my decisions too. So, like I promised, Uesugi-kun is officially reinstated as your tutor. From tomorrow you can resume studying at home like bef-..." Maruo was informing the girl.

"That won't happen, we don't need him anymore! But most importantly, we decided to keep living on our own, Papa. It's a matter we discussed before the exams." Nino interrupted him.

"Is this a joke?" The father asked with a cold tone.

"Not at all. We feel that living this way helps us moving further towards adulthood, even if only a little. Of course we'll begin to evenly share our expenses and not let Ichika and Y/N take care of everything by themselves. Be that means finding part-time jobs or giving up on useless things. I came here only to say this to you." Nino explained in a serious tone.

"I don't understand... Do you all get bored of your lifestyle? I saw the place you call 'home' and instead of a step forward it looks more like a regression. Are you five so eager to return to your past life? You remember for sure how things were just five years ago. " Maruo reminded her.

"I know that very well, but this time is different! We'll actively earn our independence, the five of us together." Nino retorted.

"You're about to tread a thorny path. Return home by tomorrow all of you, otherwise..." The father was stating while interrupted by a loud noise. A motorbike had just appeared out of nowhere, announced by the engine's sound and bright lights.

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