Ch. 23 - Peacetime

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"Hello! Sorry, I'm late..." Y/N came at the Quint's apartment only to witness an incredible situation. The five sisters were combed with a common hairstyle, all looking the same.

"What!" He panicked at the sight, falling on his knees.

"I knew it! They deployed the Clone Army. Please girls, I beg you... don't execute order 66." The hero shouted in fear.

"Give a rest... I'm in the middle of an important issue." Fuutarou explained his previous accident, he stumbled into a half naked girl leaving the shower. She was trying to hide five test results, all of 0 points.

He wasn't able to recognize her identity, she looked like the others.

"To prevent further problems I must learn how to tell them apart." The tutor claimed, struggling with this challenge.

"So you got another "sexy accident"... Damn you! It's the second in a row! When will be my turn? You aren't a Bro with this kind of attitude!" Y/N shouted, shaking his friend.

"Excuse me... Can you repeat your complains?" One of the girls asked in an angry tone.

"Ehm... I mean... Let's solve this case! This is a job for the best detectives of all T-City!" Y/N changed the main topic, hugging Fuutarou while hiding his envy.

 Let's solve this case! This is a job for the best detectives of all T-City!" Y/N changed the main topic, hugging Fuutarou while hiding his envy

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Fuutarou Holmes and Dr. L/N: A Game of Shadows.

"Do you really want to do this? Maybe I could spot the culprit looking at these tests..." Fuutarou sighed, Y/N was carried by the mood.

"Trust me! It's an easy task... I'll use the deductive reasoning... For example, you with the hoodie! There is a number on your clothes, 428... Yo-Tsu-Ba! You are the fourth sister!" Y/N spotted one of the girl.

"Yeee! You're right!" Yotsuba was jumping in happiness.

"And beside you... the only one with short hair is Ichika!" He exposed the oldest sister's identity.

"You found me... Good job!" She replied with a smile.

"Thanks... but now it's more difficult." Y/N glanced towards the three other girls, he couldn't find any difference among them.

"I won't give up! I'll be swift like fire!" He stated.

"The correct line is "be swift like wind"..." One of them corrected.

"Yes, thanks... Miku! You took my bait!" Y/N giggled, he spotted another one with a cheap trick.

"Nice job, and the last two?" Fuutarou was impressed by his friend, he didn't have a clue about his arguments himself.

"Nino or Itsuki... who is who?" Y/N was pondering, he then thought about a secret and evil plan.

"Yotsuba... Go to the bathroom and fetch the balance. We'll take the weight of those two!" He smirked, his victory around the corner.

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