Ch. 41 - Unexpected Encounter

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"Heey!!!" Raiha and her dad were playing with the echo along the hiking trail leading to their inn. 

"Well, I can't believe I won that lottery. But here we are the four of us, enjoying a trip without concerns of any kind." Fuutarou was looking them while resting on a bench.

"Speaking of which, where's Y/N?" Raiha asked.

"He's still on his way, he refused to slow down you all and lagged behind." The boy explained as his friend appeared, climbing with difficulty the uphill path.

"Pant... Pant... I caught you in the end." Y/N took a deep breath, leaning on a cane.

"Man, you're really out of shape." Isanari commented.

"Well, Uesugi-san... I had most of my bones fractured a couple days ago. Even moving this far is a medical marvel!" The hero retorted.

"That's right, Y/N-san. You're amazing! Despite a monster beat you hard you're already on your feet. The loss hadn't crushed your resolve as it would for many others." Raiha smiled.

"Raiha-chan... How could you be so cute yet so mean at the same time?" Y/N was pouting.

"Whoops, I forgot your stunt. Let's have a break here and admire the landscape, it's almost time for lunch." Isanari was looking where to place the picnic blanket.

"Great! Let's enjoy a meal together!" The hero was over the moon, taking out sandwiches from his bag.

"Whoa! You made all of these?" The family was surprised by the preparation.

"Well, I was bored yesterday so I've devoted myself on making food for everyone." Y/N revealed.

"Have a taste... This delicacy might win your heart, unlike some ribboned idiot tsundere." He joked, offering a bite to his friend.

"Oi! Don't bring up the subject at least for these days!" Fuutarou scolded him.

"Big brother, what is he talking about?" Raiha asked.

"N-Nothing important... Let's eat!" He dodged further questions.

"That was great!" The family appreciated the meal.

"Glad to hear... Now let's continue to the inn. I swear I'll do my best and keep up the pace. Urghh!" Y/N barely got up with a grunt.

"But something's off. Yesterday you were in a way better shape. What happened to you?" Fuutarou questioned.

"W-Well, like old men I may suffer the weather. The moisture is killing me today..." Y/N replied without much conviction.

"Don't tell me..." Fuutarou had suspicion.

"Take off your shirt." He claimed out of the blue.

"W-What?! That's so sudden... At least wait till we're in our room, you rascal!" Y/N blushed.

"As I said, I may be wrong but I want to assure this. Take it off, quickly!" Fuutarou grabbed him by the sleeve.

"Whaaa! Please, not in front of your sister... Hey, stop taking advantage of my wounds! I don't want to force the Author on adding the BL tag!" The hero was protesting.

"Geez, aren't you too old for playing these games?" Raiha huffed.

"Bwa ha ha. Just let them enjoy youth. We'll precede you to the inn." Isanari was laughing, continuing along the path with his daughter.

"Here it is... Urgh! I knew it!" Fuutarou eventually stripped Y/N from the weights tied on his chest.

"These things weigh a ton! Are you still training despite the doctor's orders? How many time do I have to tell you? You mustn't exert yourself with this crap!" He rebuked him, barely able to lift the burden.

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