Ch. 64 - Their Daily Lives Are Back to Normal

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The alarm clock mercilessly hit as a new day began.

"Five more minutes..." Y/N turned it off, returning to sleep.

"Chirp chirp chirp!" Phoenix Man, now the size of a hatchling, began to peck on him till the boy decided to get up.

"Ouch! I get it... Damn wren!" Y/N surrendered to his new pet.

"Should I eat him as breakfast?" He was pondering while dressing up.

"Chirp chirp!" The harmless Mysterious Being was jumping all around the place.

"I'm off. Remember to throw the garbage and make me a light meal for dinner..." The boy was instructing.

"Why am I even talking to a chicken now?" He dismissed, leaving for school.

"Alright, let's keep up till evening. Afterwards it's all Summer Break!" The boy was rejoicing at the front gate.

"Do you know if Y/N will come today? I really want to meet him and ask for a signature." A student asked his friend.

"Dunno, let's stake out the entrance. He'll have to pass through in order to reach class. Maybe he'll let me take a selfie with him!" His pal rushed outside.

"Yeah, learning how to mislead meddlers was truly useful. Sweet-san was right!" Y/N dodged them by sneaking inside school.

"Huff, they're still after me! I don't mind being stalked by horny busty girls but guys... no thanks!" He ignored his newly fans.

"Teacher already scolded lot of students for being too noisy around me. So, as long as I reach class I'm saved... Oh, not again!" As he was getting ready Y/N found a surprise at his corner.

"And for Summer Break this is the homework you all are supposed to work on..." Fuutarou filled the library's table with a load of pamphlets.

"S-So cruel!" Itsuki was trembling in fear.

"Actually, I'm still shocked due Z-City Incident... Can I skip this?" Yotsuba cunningly asked, raising hand.

"Nice try. You said that last week, and the week before. Denied!" Fuutarou smirked, grabbing the girl by her ribbon.

"Sigh, and here I was eager to practise for my upcoming role. Boooh!" Ichika was pretending to cry.

"It can't be helped. Fuutarou is still the same." Miku huffed.

"Hey! I know we'll be free from tomorrow onwards but this is too much!" Nino was complaining about the workload.

"Holidays are no excuse. You have to keep up with the program! If I let you five slack off I'm sure you'll forget everything we've already studied." The tutor explained in a stern tone.

"Sorry to interrupt but you should look at this." Y/N interjected, carrying a metal case with him.

"Isn't that... your locker?" The group was dumbfounded by the boy's arrival.

"Here! How many are these? They're only today's share." The hero emptied the container over the table, dozens and dozens of letters fell from it.

"Don't tell me..." Itsuki whitened at the sight.

"All love letters addressed to me! And I'd just finished answering the ones from yesterday." Y/N revealed an aching wrist, having stayed up the night in order to do paperwork.

"He he he... you got popular!" Ichika congratulated.

"I know but this is too much! Goddammit! What can I do now? I'm already tired of this kind of attention." The hero was sobbing.

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