Ch. 6 - Gathering Storm

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"Sue Harukata!" Miku yelled on the rooftop, Fuutarou was astonished.

"You're probably wondering how I got here..." He thought.

Few hours before.

"Haa... I barely made it!" Fuutarou panted while running at school. Y/N met him at the entrance.

"You are really out of shape. Wanna join my training sessions?" He teased his friend.

"I never thought keeping up my own studies while working as a tutor would be so demanding! How long can I keep this up?" Fuutarou confessed.

"I'm here to ease your burden, my friend." Y/N replied with a smile, then he picked Fuutarou's handbook.

"Incredible! You checked and compared the girls' results... It's all marked and planned!" He looked at his note, filled with data and numbers.

"I worked on it for half a night..." Fuutarou stated, distracted by the arrival of a luxury car.

The five sisters came out from the vehicle, surprised at the sight of the boys.

"Good morning..." They greeted with an awkward tone.

"You! Don't act so light-hearted... Last time we spent lots of efforts without results! Next sessions will be tougher!" Fuutarou said aloud while the girls tried to escape.

"You are too strict..." Y/N walked in the hall with him, the girls preceded them by some meters.

"But you could improve their grades, I'm sure of it!" He was reading Fuutarou's notebook.

"Hey! This girl... got the best score and managed to answer all the history questions correctly. Maybe she is a fan as me. I'm moved!" Y/N pointed out while checking the results.

"Let me see... It's Miku!" He said while looking at the girl.

"Miku, can I bother you for a moment?" Fuutarou asked during break, the girl looked at him with her cold stare.

"What do you want?" She asked calmly.

"I noticed you are pretty good at Social Studies, especially history's arguments... We could use it as an asset for our lessons! Do you also know which general was defeated by Mouri Motonari in the battle of Itsukushima?" He said without noticing her embarrassment nor the shadow coming at his back.

"Uesugi-san! Wanna grab lunch together?" Yotsuba asked, joining the two all of a sudden.

"So... You haven't discovered anything about her. Plus you started chatting up about love with two pretty girls... Who are you? Take off the mask, impostor!" Y/N was confronting info with his friend.

"It went bad, but next time..." Fuutarou stated before noticing something under his desk, a letter addressed to him.

"It's from... Miku! She asked for a meeting on the rooftop!" He read.

"Do you know what that means? That you are a goddam player!" Y/N pointed out, jealous.

"This has got to be a prank!" He thought, nervous. Yotsuba's words "Miku is in love" rang out in his head.

Two days later

"This spot is perfect!" Y/N looked around, not seeing anyone he pulled out a bottle from his bag.

"I'm not allowed to do this... but this whisky is too good!" He stated, drinking his alcohol.

"I've some free time. Maybe I could pay a visit to Saitama... Z-City isn't too far." Y/N thought, he didn't see his friend since the meteor accident.

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