Ch. 16 - The Hardest Challenge

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School Library. Some days after Midterm Examination

"Yo. Sorry for making you all gather here. We'll check your errors, but first... could I see your answer sheets?" Fuutarou said to the girls, eager to know the fate of his job. If even one of them had gotten a failure grade he would quit the tutoring as swore to the Quints' father.

"Okay... but why are you so formal?" Ichika was about to reveal his scores, stopped by Itsuki.

"I-I don't want, these are personal information! I refuse to show you." She said, embarrassed.

"Don't worry Itsuki. I'm sure you did your best!" Y/N sighted.

"Thank you... But I've already prepared myself. So please show me..." Fuutarou replied in a serious tone.

"Ta-Daa. I got 30 points in Japanese, that's a first for me... The other four subjects were no good!" Yotsuba cheered.

"I got 68 points in Social Studies. The others were barely below the passing line. It's so frustrating!" Miku said, unhappy for her result.

"I pass only Math. It's the best I can do at the moment..." Ichika was depressed.

"I failed everything but English. I assure you that I did my best!" Nino claimed.

"I-I only managed to pass Science..." Itsuki was ashamed.

"And I got around 70 points in all the subject... except a perfect score in English... Even Social Studies were too hard for me this time. What a shame!" Y/N contemplated his results.

"I see... Despite all that study... not reaching 30 points it's a bit... How dumb are you girls?" Fuutarou was depressed.

"Quiet you! At least we managed to pass a subject each." Nino was angry due his statement.

"And compared to the 100 points combined... It's an improvement." Miku saw the positive side.

"It's quite like us pass everyone a different subject!" Ichika giggled.

"Well... That's it. Y/N please, for the time being continue to help them studying. They need another push but don't be too lax. I'll be busy with other part-time jobs." Fuutarou said to his friend.

"I-I'll do my best... Although even I don't have much free time..." He replied, embarrassed.

"What do you mean? Other part-time jobs?" Miku was worried.

"Actually... I'm no longer..." Fuutarou's reply was interrupted by a phone ringing.

"It's Father... He want to talk with you." Itsuki passed her phone to him.

"If you judge him only by grades... I inform you that THE FIVE OF US PASSED ALL THE FIVE SUBJECTS." Nino replied to his father, slightly twisting the truth, the presents were speechless.

"This time I managed to trick Papa, it won't work again... so make it reality next time. Surely I don't want other jerks tutoring us. You two are enough for my nerve!" Nino saved the guys with an unpredictable move.

"... You bet I will!" Fuutarou recovered from the surprise.

"Fuutarou... My heart is pounding. Is it love... or a heart attack?" Y/N asked, mesmerized by the scene of the smiling girls.

"Who knows... After some celebrations we'll check our tests. But before all of you deserve a reward! We had talked about a "parfait"?" Fuutarou smiled, lightened by tension.

"Of course I'll get one extra-large!" Itsuki replied at his proposal.

"I prefer a cheeseburger, maybe two... with french fries and nachos!" Y/N said, getting hungry.

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