part 2, physics

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Once we got home, I told my dad that I found out it was Scott that is the new Bata and my dad told me to keep an eye on him, why dad also told me that he hasn't heard from Lauran (my aunt) since New York and found out that she come here looking for the alpha (that is a hole other this long story short there is a crazy alpha and know body knows who it is)  so my dad went to look for her and asked me to stay for my safety or whatever but I didn't listen because I was very close with Lauran before she left, I was walking in the woods and it was around 9pm so it was dark and couldn't really see where I was going but suddenly tripped on something so I pull out my phone torch and screamed 

I saw Laurans dead body well only half a body, not even 3 minutes later my dad was by my side I ran into his arms and started crying, once we went home and burred her body, I sat on the coach my dad started lecture me about how i didn't listen to him

"you should have stayed at home what if the alpha had gotten you, you would probably be dead" my dad said kind of mad

"yeah, I know dad but I wanted to help you find her because I missed her" I said kind of sad as I just found my aunt's dead body half, her body may I add

"Yeah, I know, come here" he said pulling me into a hug

After we pulled away from the hug I went to bed because I was kind of tired.

I woke up before my alarm clock which surprised me because that never happens, I got up and decided to have a shower and just put on some leggings a top and a hoodie not really wanting to dress up and put on some light makeup as I was walking down the run-down stairs, I was calling for my dad 

"dad can you take me to school I'm going to be late" I yelled trying to find him but I couldn't but I did see his car 

"well, I guess I'm driving myself" I said to myself out loud (just saying I can drive my dad just doesn't let me drive his car

I get in the car and dive to school I looked at my timetable 

"great physics this should be fun" I say to myself as I walked inside the class 

I sat at the back of the class not really paying any attention I heard Mr harries call my name

"riley" he said

"yes" I said looking up

"I asked you a question, were you even listing" he said getting more mad

"no... not really" I said admittedly 

"Well detention at lunch" he said as he went to keep teaching but I wanted to snap back 

"what that's not fair just because you have nothing else to do at lunch you make other people's worse" I said 

Stiles and Scott started laughing and Mr harries looked at both of them and they stopped and look back at him

"detention for the both of you too" he said I looked at them smirking and them both rolled their eyes at me

I have been in detention for like an hour now and I'm over it 

"can I go home now" I said 

"can we go now" stiles added sounding annoyed

"yeah, whatever go" Mr Harris said not even caring 

As I walked of down the hall, I heard the spastic and energetic boy call my name 

"riley wait up" stiles says while both him and Scott ran down the hall to catch me up 

"yeah..." I said wondering what they want 

"i was wondering if you wanted to come to the woods with my and Scott, he dopped his inhaler and he needs it" stiles said hi normal energetic self 

"umm I can't I have to help my dad with something, sorry" and with that I walked down the hall to my dad's car and drove off

When I got home my dad was reading a book on the coach 

"hey dad I'm home" I say walking though the run-down house

"hey riley where have you been" he says sounding concerned 

"it's fine I just had a detention" I said as I fell down on the coach next to him, he looked away from his book and raised his eyebrows at me "what"

"it's not that bad but I'll tell you" after I told him he gave me a lecture about my behaver, after a while of talking we could both hear talking and it sounded like Scott and stiles

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