part 5 pain

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It's only been 2 days and so far, the worst 2 days of my life, crazy bitch yes that is my new name for Kate anyway, I have been beaten by a lot of people I've been shocked they put wolfsbane in me the lot, it sucks that I'm too weak to fight I feel helpless.

"I'll ask one more time where is the alpha" she said hitting me again

"I don't know" I said in a lot of pain

"wrong answer again" she said shocking me yet again "why are you protecting him*

"I'm not I don't know and even if I did know I wouldn't tell you because if I remember correctly, you're the one who set the fire that killed my mother" I said with a low growl

"fine if you're not going to tell me ill just, she shocks me again but this time the pain is worse than it has ever been and I let out an ear piecing scream

Derek's pov

It's been 2 days since I last saw riley, me Scott and stiles are helping me to find her but they are not that helpful, all I know it that she is probably hurt and Kate has her somewhere 

"it's been 2 days with no luck where could she be" Scott said deep in his thoughts

"i don't know but we are running out of time the more time Kate was her the less chance of her coming back alive" I said with no emotion but on the inside, I was really worried for my daughter and I promised her mum I would keep her safe 

"positivity just isn't in your vocabulary is it" stiles said looking at me 

"look" I was about to continue but I was cut off by an ear-piercing scream, knew that scream from anywhere 

"riley" I said running out into the street, I followed the scream, I was outside of that looked like an abandoned building, I went inside with Scott while stiles                       stayed outside, I don't even know why he came but oh well

"riley where are you, are you in here" I say hoping that she would be safe and it wasn't too late.

Back to Riley's pov

After the scream that knocked out Kate and the other dude, I tried to get out but I was still too weak I was a bit stronger but there was still wolfsbane in my system, I was trying to get out of the cuffs that were around my wrist, I heard footsteps I thought that more of Kates minions were coming but I heard my dad's voice calling my name 

With little strength I had I called out for my dad and he came running in but he wasn't alone he had someone with him 

"Scott" I said quietly

Scott's pov

"yeah, it's me riley you're going to be ok" I said as I picked her up bridle style and soon enough, she fell asleep in my arms, the walk back to her house was quite lucky for us it wasn't that far away, I was wondering why I cared so much about her do I like her? Do I like riley

Riley's POV

I woke up with a huge headache and my whole body was sore, got out of my bed and went down stairs because I was hungry, as I was going into the kitchen, I saw my dad

"hey dad" I said getting some cereal from the cabbed

"riley your meant to be in bed" he said as he stopped whatever he was doing

"I know but I was hungry" I said as I went to sit on down with a bowl of cereal in my hands

"can I go to school tomorrow" I said eating more of my cereal 

"no, you need some rest and plus it's only one day

"fine but what am I going to do all day" I said finishing the last bit of my cereal and getting up to put it in the sink 

"I don't know your homework that you haven't done since we got here" he said getting back into the book he was reading 

"ughhh fine, well I'm going on a run" I say getting up to change into something I can go running in

"but it's like 1:00 in the morning" he said still reading

"so" I shouted from my bedroom

"okay you can go just don't get yourself killed" he said as I walked down the stairs 

"can't promise anything" I say as I ran out the door, all I hear is my dad slightly laugh

I was running through the woods for about 10 minutes and I kept hearing noises but don't think much of it, I take a small break to catch my breath and yet again I heard noises, when I look around, I saw a figure so I start to walk closer to them and saw it was the alpha.

"shit" I mumbled as I shifted, I saw the alpha start running towards me.

They try to hit me but I doge it and kick them in the chest which made them stumble back, but he came back and hit me in the face 

"bitch that hurt" I said stumbling back a bit 

After a couple of hits from both of us as I was turning back at them to hit him again, he scratched my arm I look down to a very deep slash mark, I turn to them but their already gone 

"damn it they got away" I said as I slowly walked back to my house, as I walked into the house, I saw my dad still on the couch still reading, he hasn't seen me yet 

"hey dad guess what I'm not dead but" I said trailing off

He looked up at me and ran towards me as soon as he saw the state I was in "oh god what happened to you" he said waking me to the couch 

"it was the alpha" I said sinking into the couch


Updated!! Sorry it took a couple of days I hope you like this because it is really fun to make but I have been kind of busy.

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