Part 12, What is going on?

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As I was trying to dodge arrows thrown at me by Allison I had hidden myself behind a tree because I knew that I can't fight her from all the way down here so I waited and hoped that my dad would come back soon because I was getting harder to dodge the arrows flying my way I already had taken 4 the rest I either caught or she missed, thankfully my dad had came back and helping me get the remaining arrows that were to painful for me to get out
'You took your time' I said my tone Laced with pain
'Yeah well I was a bit busy fighting the alpha' he said trying to get the last 2 arrows out and keeping an eye out for Alison at the same time
'Wait what' I said looking at Alison to make sure she doesn't do anything but she was just standing there
'Yep I guess everyone's decided to join in on the fun' he said with just a hint of sarcasm in his tone which I just rolled my eyes to, as my dad finished taking the last arrow out finely Scott had come looking quite ruff but I didn't say anything
I finely took my eyes off Scott to look at Alison to see that Kate argent was now standing next to her with an evil smirk on her face
'Go on Alison kill them both' Kate said obviously talking about me and Scott
Alison looked at her aunt as if she was crazy (which she is) 'but I thought we were just going to capture them' she said looking back at us
'Yes capture and kill them or I will' Kate said walking closer to me and Scott, I turn to look at my dad but he is just gone '
What the fuck' I muttered
As Kate got closer to me she put the gun to my head with an evil smirk plastered on her face, all I could think of was where did my dad go and what about Peter they had just both disappeared but I was snapped out of my thoughts to the sound of cris argent
'Great more of them' I thought as he pulled out his gun but to my surprise he pointed it at Kate argent
'Put the gun down Kate I don't want to do this' he dis dwelling closer to us, me and Scott just looked at each other worried of what was about to happen
'What you have to be joking' Kate said glancing at cris 'there werewolf's, we kill werewolf's
'Yes we go by a code Kate your pointing a gun at a 16 year old girl with no proof that they did anything wrong so I'll say it again, put the gun down
Kate was about to protest but she was cut of by a rather loud roar that sounded as if it was very close we all turned to see my dad looking very mad maybe it was the fact that there was a gun to my head
'Ooo look who decided to show up' Kate said with the gun still pointed at my head
'Let my daughter go'

Authors note!
Ok sorry for not posting and sorry for this being quite short and the quality not being that good I had to do it on my phone because it's really late here and I have school tomorrow but I will try to post more :)
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The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now