part 3

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stiles pov

After lacrosse try outs which Scott somehow aced and could possibly be a co-captain,

We were walking in the woods because Scott needed his inhaler while we were talking about how he did so good

"I don't know what it was it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball" Scott said jumping in a small flow of water 

"and that's not the only weird thing I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear, smell things" Scott said sounding a bit crazy 

"smell things, like what" I said not really believing him 

"like the mint gum in your pocket" 

"I don't have any mint gum" I said whilst reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a piece of mint gum and looked at my best friend in shock and wondering how he new

"so, all this started with a bite" I said walking after him

"what if it's like an infection like my body's flooding adrenalin before I go into shock or something" Scott says walking deeper into the woods

"you know what I think Ive actually heard of this" I say

"it's a specific kind of infection"

"are you serous" Scott said looking at me worried"

"yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy" I said with my hands on my hips

"what's that is it bad" Scott said looking at me and sounding worried 

"oh yeah it's the worst" I, but only once a month" I said which gave Scott a confused look

"once a month* Scott said turning to look at me

"yep, on the night of the full moon" I said making a howling sound

Scott pushed me and started to walk away, walked of after him laughing of course 

"hey you're the one who heard a wolf howling" I said still laughing 

"there could be something seriously wrong with me" he said getting kind of mad which made me say

"I know you're a werewolf" still laughing my ass of 

Scott gave me a death glare so I stopped laughing 

"ok obviously I'm kidding" I say laughing a little bit 

"but if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the mettle I can find because Fridays a full moon"  

Once I finish my sentence, we both stop

"i could have sworn it was here" Scott said talking about the lost inhaler 

I saw the body and the dear came running, I dropped my inhaler right here" Scott said crouching down while I just stood there 

"Maybe the killer moved the body" I said looking down at him 

"if he did, I hope he left my inhaler those things cost like 80 bucks" Scott said looking at me then back at the ground, I let out a chuckle. I looked up and saw a tall looking man and a teenage girl looking at us so I slapped Scott on the Shoulder to get his attention he looked at me then the mystery people then got up as the man started to walk towards us

"What are you doing here.huh" mystery man said 

And then the girl started talking 

"this is privet property" she said walking towards the man, she had a hoodie on so I couldn't really see what she looked like

"umm sorry we didn't know" I said scratching my head

"yeah, we were just looking for something but" Scott said kind of sad

The mad gave him a look as if he were asking what we were looking for

"Umm..forget it" Scott said looking at him weirdly, I think both of us got a weird vibe from the man and the girl just kind of stood there as if she didn't want to be here but as he was about to say something else, she threw Scott something, Scott opened his hand to find his inhaler, I was wondering how she knew it was his and how she knew we were looking for it, and with that they both walked away.

After thinking for a minute, I realised who they were... 

The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now