Part 15

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After going to Allison's and getting ready I got down stairs to be met with Allison's parents I greeted them after that we all got in the car and driving off, it was a short drive to the graveyard but once we got there, there were paparazzi and reporters everywhere and police tape holding them back and I also saw mr stilinski I flashed him a quick smile which he returned before going to sit down next to Allison at the front.
I heard Allison's parents talking "I told you this wasn't a good idea" Victoria scolds
"It wasn't my idea" cris replies, I wonder who he's talking about.
After talking to Allison for a while an old man came up to us
"Allison it's good to see you again" he said
Allison looked at me confused which I just shrugged at "I can tell you don't remember me seen as the last time I saw you was when you were three, I'm your granddad" he says
" grandpa I remember now" she says smiling, she stood up to hug him, while I sat there minding my own business
"Grandpa this is my friend Riley" she said pulling me out of my thoughts
I stand up and shake his hand "hi I'm so sorry for your loss"
"Thank you Riley"
when he said my name I shuddered a little I get bad vibes from this guy
Shortly after the funeral starts I swear I could hear Scott and stiles but I just shake it off. after the funeral I say my goodbyes to everyone and call my dad to pick me up because Allison had picked me up, when my dad finally came I quickly got in and greeted him
"You know your still training when we get home right?" He reminded me
"Ugh do I have to I'm tired"
"Yes you said you would do you are"
Once he get inside I quickly get changed into leggings (the outfit below)

After getting dressed I go downstairs looking for my dad but I couldn't see him "When the hell is he" I thought" as I was walking around looking I heard something from behind me so I quickly spin around grab there hand and flip them over only to s...

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After getting dressed I go downstairs looking for my dad but I couldn't see him
"When the hell is he" I thought" as I was walking around looking I heard something from behind me so I quickly spin around grab there hand and flip them over only to see that is was my dad
"Dad what are you doing you scared the shit out of me" I say helping him up from if the floor
"I had to sneak up on you to see what you did, nice job by the way that hurt" he replied as he got up of the floor.
After about 3 hours of training we had finely finished I ho upstairs and took a shower again because now I'm all sweaty after getting out of the shower I checked the time to see that it was only 8 so I just went downstairs and sat with my dad and watched tv until I noticed that it was getting late so I decided to go o bed after saying good night to my dad I went into my room and got into bed and soon enough I was sound asleep.

The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now