part 22

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when we got to Scott's house he wasn't even there but Allison Jackson and Lydia were.

"wait where is stiles he told us to come here he said it was important" I said looking towards Jackson wondering why the hell he was there

"I don't actually know he said the same to us but when we got here he wasn't here" Allison said drawing my attention back to her

"that's strange i'll try calling him" Scott said speaking up

"already tried didn't answer" Allision  replied 

"Lydia come up upstairs with me" I heard Jackson say from not to fair away. 

before Lydia could reply he dragged her upstairs. We kept talking about   why we were here while Jackson and Lydia were arguing by the sounds of it, all of a sudden I hear a loud SMASH that sounded a lot like i was coming from in the hall, we Allison and Scott all looked at each other then ran towards where the smash came from. 

"what the fuck" was the first thing that came out of my mouth after seeing that a very big rock had been thrown through a window that was in the hall by the door, I looked though the broken window to see Boyd, Erika,Issac and  my dad.



im back!

i am only doing short chapters like these though

The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now