part 10

815 13 2

Scott's POV

When I got home, I could hear my mum scream so of course I run up stair's and see my mum with a bat and stiles on my bed and be looks he just come through my window

"Stiles what are you doing" my mum screamed at the spastic kid now sitting on my bed

"I came to see Scott" me said with a smile

"Why don't you use the front door" she said a bit mad while I just stand there

"Because you always lock the door" Stiles said looking kind of confused

"Yeah, I wonder why" my mum said sarcastically While I let out a little chuckle which earned a glare from stiles

"You know what I'm going to bed" my mum said walking out the room

"Stiles what are you doing here" I said in confusion

"I know you like riley" he said getting straight to the point

"What" I said trying to play it off because to be honest I had developed feelings for her

"Cut the crap I know you like her I can tell by the way you look at her" he said with a little smirk

Is it that obvious" I said a little embarrassed

"Kind of but I can also tell that she likes you back" he said and I just looked at him in disbelief

"No she doesn't" I said

"Yeah, she does go just ask her out already" he said with a pleading look

"Fine, I'll do it when I see her next now go, so I can go to sleep" I said pointing to the door

"Yesss, ok bye" he said excitedly and then left

After he left I got ready for bed and fell asleep straight away

Riley's POV

"The day after"

I woke up quite late to I didn't bother go to school (its Monday) I just did it online in my bed

"Time skip a couple of hours"

I heard a knock on the door so I went to go answer it because I think my dad went out

"Oh, hey Scott what's up" I said happily

"I came here to ask you something"

"Sure, come in" I said as I opened the door wider so he could come in

"Ok so" he said looking kind of nervous

"Scott, are you ok?" I said with a concerned look on my face

"Yeah fine" he said with a reassuring look

So, I really like you and I don't know if you like me back so I just wanted to ask if you would be my girlfriend" he said with a panicked face

"Scott I would love to be your girlfriend" I said with a huge grin on my face


Ok hi this will not really be the same time line as teen wolf I'm just doing this as I go along, I don't even know if it's good :)

The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now