movie and cuddle, part 8

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(The picture is you and Scott while watching the movie)

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(The picture is you and Scott while watching the movie)

Time skip 3 weeks

These past three weeks I have been getting closer with Scott, but we still haven't found out who the alpha was which was not good, anyway I was at Scott's house watching a movie his mum wasn't home so it was just the two of us sitting on his sofa.

Over these past 3 weeks I kind of stated to develop feelings for Scott but not a lot and definitely not enough to tell him.

After the movie was over it was already really late, a little over midnight I was quite tired and Scott could tell by the look on my face 

"are you ok to drive home you look kind of tired" he said getting up from his position on the sofa 

"I think I'll be fine I'm a bit tired though" I said yawning 

"you could stay over" Scott said looking up at me 

"you sure what about your mum do you think she would mind" I said looking up at him 

"yeah, she wouldn't mind plus its Saturday, so yeah you can" he said smiling at me 

"yeah, okay but I don't have any clothes with me" I said 

"that's fine you can just ware something of mine" he said going upstairs

I followed him upstairs and into his room, he gave me one of his T-shirts and joggers, I went into his bathroom to get changed when I came out, I saw Scott staring at me 

"what" I said with a giggle 

"nothing you just look really cute in my clothes 

When he said that a slight blush crept into my cheeks, which made Scott laugh a little when he saw 

"okay so you can have my bed and I'll just sleep on the floor" Scott said shrugging

"no, it's your bed I'll be fine on the floor" I said smiling 

We went back and forth like that for a good 4 minutes until I finely said something 

"why don't me both take the bed there is more than enough room for both of us" I said with a smile

"yeah sure" Scott said as he got into bed I also got into bed on the other side, it was quite cold and Scott could tell I was cold, he pulled me closer to him unexpectedly although I wasn't complaining we cuddled for a while as I finely drifted off to sleep.


Ok!! Their relationship is growing!! Comment what their ship name should be :)

comment and vote!! hope you like it so far

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