first date, part 9

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Scott's pov

I woke up the next day with riley asleep in my arms, she looked so sweet and innocent, I just watched her (not in a creepy way) after only 2 minutes she woke up and smiled at me

"Good morning" she said in a cute sleepy way

"hey" I said still smiling at her

"I want ask you something" I said continuing "ok..." she said trailing of waiting for me to say something

"We haven't been on a date yet so; riley would you like to go on a date with me?" I said

"Yes, I would love to" she said once she said yes, she looks at her phone

"Great, my dad wants me home bye I'll see you tonight she said getting out of bed

"Yeah, I'll pick you up at 7;00

"Ok, bye" she said walking out the door

Back to riley POV

"Dad I'm back" I shouted as I walked through the door

I was met with my dad looking kind of mad

"Where have you been" he said as I walked past him to go into my room

"With Lydia" I said lying of course. When I get into my room, I call Lydia because I don't know what to wear and she told me to come over so she could help me find an outfit so I said ok.

So, I just text Scott and said to pick me up at Lydia's so my dad doesn't see otherwise I wouldn't be able to go

We finely found an outfit to wear

As you finish the outfit you hear Scott's car 

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As you finish the outfit you hear Scott's car 

"girl, he's here go have fun" Lydia said pushing me out the door 

"Ok, I will bye" I said walking out the door, I walked to Scott's car and I saw that he was staring at me 

"what" I said giggling

"Nothing you just look really pretty" he said smiling

"Thank you" I said blushing slightly 

"You ready to go?" he said 

"yep" I said smiling widely

"Ok let's go" he said looking at the road and started driving off

As we get there I see a drive-in movie 

"Wow Ive never been to a drive-in movie before what are we watching?" I said looking at Scott

"We are watching harry potter" he said smiling"

"that's my favourite movie", I saw him smirking "how did you know"

"Lydia told me, she helped me with all of this he said getting out of the car

"Where are you going" I said confused

"To get snacks" he said walking off somewhere 

After a couple of minutes, he came back with a lot of snacks and he told me to stay in the car while he does something which I don't know what  

"Ok I'm done you can come out now" he said from behind the car 

I got out and went to where Scott was standing and saw this

I got out and went to where Scott was standing and saw this

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"Aww this is so nice thank you" I said in amazement

"it's nothing my mum suggested it, ok I think the movie is about to start" he said looking up at the big screen 

We got comfortable, the movie was starting so we cuddled up and started to watch the movie  

The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now