Part 17

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It was finely lunch time and I was sat between stiles and Scott I wasn't really hungry today so I didn't get anything from the cafeteria, we were just talking when the bell went which meant we had to go to P.E
"Ugh do we have to go to PE I hate it" I said while getting up from my seat
"Come in it'll be fun now let's go" Scott said grabbing my hand and dragging me to PE
When we got to the PE changing rooms I quickly got changed and went to the gym I was a bit late because I couldn't find my leggings, when I got there I saw coach talking to everyone I went to go stand by Allison and she told me what we were doing which was rock climbing, we were all getting put into pairs.
"Umm hale McCall your up next" coach said looking at us, we got inti out harness and started climbing up the wall I was climbing up faster then he was, I was almost at the top and Scott wasn't far behind me so I just stopped and so did Scott
"Why are you so slow" I a said laughing
Maybe I'm admiring the view" he said looking up at me
"Well Maybe you should do that later" I said winking at him then continued climbing, when I got up at the top I looked to my left to see that Scott had already got to the top
"Wait how did you beat me" I said
Scott started laughing "Maybe I'm just faster then you"
"I tripped him up which made him go flying down onto the mat on the floor and everyone started laughing, Scott looked at me while I just gave him a sweet smile while slowly coming back down on the floor
"You alright there" I said laughing a little
"Yeah perfectly fine" Scott said about to say more but he was cut off by couch
"Erica and stiles your up"
As they both got there harnesses on they started climbing, stiles had gone up the wall and back but Erica had only gone half way up the wall and stoped and she started shaking and didn't look to good so I went to go stand by coach
"Coach maybe this wasn't a good idea you know she's epileptic" I said very worried for her
"What why does nobody tell me this stuff"
"Erica your okey just kick of the wall and you'll land safely onto the mat" coach said continuing.
After a couple of minutes of coaching Erica down she finally did it, as soon as she had hit the mat I went to go help her up and see if she was okey but she had already ran to the changing rooms, the bell had gone so we all went to get changed and of course I was the last one in there as I had finished getting changed I heard Scott he sounded scared when I heard what he was saying I darted to the gym where I saw Erica on the floor
"Turn her on her side" I shouted to Scott and without hesitation he did.
"Go get help" I said to him and of course he did, I stayed with Erica to make sure she didn't hurt herself and when the nurse came and saw what was happening she called for an ambulance and then she got rushed to hospital and I went back to class and I really hope she's okey because Erica is a really nice person even though I didn't really talk to her that often

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