part 6 the voices

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After the fight with the alpha, I just went to sleep because I was fine a bit sore but fine, I woke up at around 10:00 am, I got up and just put on an oversized jumper and shorts on and I didn't really care.

I went downstairs to get something to eat 

"hey riley how do you feel" my dad said as he made breakfast

"yeah, I feel fine nearly all healed" I said heading over to see what he is making

"What you making" I said hoping it's something nice

"just eggs and beans" he said putting it on a plate and handing it to me 

"thank you" I said as I grabbed the plate and sat down 

For the rest of the day, I didn't do much and its now 4:00pm so everyone was now out of school, I was about to get in the shower I was looking in the mirror just looking at myself when the scratch mark on my hand started to hurt again but I tried to ignore it but I heard someone whispering my name over and over again and it wouldn't stop 



It was ringing around my ears and it wouldn't stop I felt like I was going crazy

"Stop it "I said in a quit hush 

"shut up" I said getting madder and louder it kept getting louder in my ear 

"stop it, shut up" I screamed, I got so mad I punched the mirror breaking it. 

Derek's POV

I was cleaning the mess I made in the kitchen and I heard riley scream from upstairs and something smash so I ran upstairs, when I got upstairs, I heard she was in her bathroom when I ran in, she was rocking back and forth in the corner covering her ears with her bloody hands, I look up and see the mirror smashed to pieces.

I slowly walk up to her and kneel Infront of her 

"riley what's wrong" I said in a soft voice 

She looked up at me I could tell she was scared just by looking at her 

"I don't know I-I just got mad" she said stuttering 

"okay why don't you just go to sleep 

Riley POV

After I basically lied to my dad I went to sleep because I was tired, I didn't even have a shower I decided to have one when I wake up in the morning but when I go to sleep, I didn't know It was going to be a sleepless night.

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