Part 13, finally dead 

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'No she should die a hybrid running around beacon hills?' Kate said with the gun still pointed at my head, and at this point Alison had moved closer to Kate with the crossbow still in her hands and I had gotten bored so I decided to fight back, in a split second I had already knocked the gun out of kates hands and also knocked her to the floor
'Really you couldn't have done that like 5 minutes ago?' Scott said looking at Kate then back at me
'Nah it's more fun that way' I said with a slight smile on my face
'What nearly getting shot in the head is fun?' My dad said looking at me kind of weirdly
'Well- before I could finish my sentence there was a slight noise coming from the trees not far from where I was standing, I looked at my dad then Scott then Alison and her dad (Kate was still on the floor) we all froze up for a second not sure what was to expect
Then Peter came out from behind a tree but in his werewolf form
'You've got to be joking' I muttered not really wanting to go up against an Alpha right now
Kate looked up at Peter then got up really quick. The alpha looked at all of us then at Kate he then tried to run at Kate but Allison shot an arrow at him it didn't really do much but but he stopped and looked her dead in the eyes and started running towards her
'Well done you've pissed him off now' I said stepping in between him an Allison just because she shot a load of arrows at me doesn't mean she's not my best friend anymore and I didn't really want her to die because I know that it was Kate feeding her lies about me and Scott
Letting out an ear pricing scream Peter went flying backwards but not even 5 seconds later he got back up.
Everyone started fighting me Scott and my dad throwing punches at him most hitting him some missing, Alison shooting arrows at him, Kate and cris was shooting arrows at him.
As Kate was trying to shoot arrows at him he had gone to attack her which we had successfully done she fell to the floor he lifeless body just lying there, I kind of felt back for Allison because I know that Kate was her favourite but at the same time I'm glad she's dead because she did kill most of my family,somehow Allison had got a fire arrow and it hit him, he started rolling around on the floor and he had changed back to his human self.
Both me and my dad had gone over to him he was all burnt it kind of reminded me of when the fire had happened I pushed it at the back of my mind trying to forget it
'What are we going to do with him' I said looking down at Peter
'Yeah we're going to kill him' my dad said bringing out his claws as I did the same
'WAIT STOP' Scott shouted to me and my dad
'If I kill him I won't be a werewolf anymore' Scott said coming closer to both me and my dad
'Scott it's not true it's just something that I made up so you'd help us' my dad said still looking down on his uncle, and with that me and my dad sunk our claws into him and watched him slowly shut his eyes and die
I looked around to see if everyone was ok, Alison looked really upset, of cause she is upset her aunt just died, Scott looked a bit upset as we'll because he thought that if he killed the person that turned him he would no longer be a werewolf but obviously my dad was lying to him so he would help us.
Everyone had a couple of cuts and bruises but other then that I thing we got lucky .
We all went back to our houses Scott came home with me and my dad because I wanted him to stay over which we kindly excepted to.

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