Part 21

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Once we got to school we had realised that we were late so we had to ran to class because we had mr Harris and if your late to his classes you have an after school detention.
"Sorry we're later sir" I say running in Scott right behind me
"Why are you both late"
"Well we-" Scott was about to finish but mr Harris interrupted him
"You know what I don't care both of you after school detention"
Scott was about to protest but I had already dragged him to his seat next to stiles
"Why are you guys late" stiles said whispering so he doesn't get mr Harris's attention
"Don't ask" I say turning to the front so I don't get even more in trouble then I already am but Scott and stiles are still talking, mr Harris was in the middle of talking about whatever I was t really listening but then just stoped and looked over to Scott and stiles who hadn't noticed that he had stopped talking so they kept talking.
"Oh god" I thought to myself.
I nudged Scott to tell him to shut up which he did and then they finally realised that mr Harris had stopped
"Mr Stilinski mr McCall would you like to share to the class what you were talking about"
"No sir" they both said inSync
"Then I suggest you stop talking and start listening because let's face it your already failing this class you don't want to fail even further if that's even possible" mr Harris said obviously annoyed at the two friends in his class which made me giggle a little
"Think something is funny miss hale" he asked looking over at me
"No sir" I said looking down
"Ok then everyone shut up so I can finish my class" he said as he continues to teach his class
After school me and scott had said our goodbyes to everyone and head back to mr Harris's class
"Ok sit down I have to go and do something don't leave for another 2 hours" mr Harris said walking out of the class.
The next two hours were very boring we just sat there but after the two hours were up we had left, stiles had texted Scott to tell him to go to his house because he needed to talk to us.

Hi guys sorry for not posting much I've been quite busy lately.
I might skip the part where they find out that Derek turns Issac and Boyd would that be ok?
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