part 4 Kate argent

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"dude" I said stopping him

"that's Derek hale you remember his family... They all burned to death in a fire like 10 years ago" I say looking right at Scott 

"wait who was that girl he was with then" Scott said sounding confused "and I wonder what he Is doing back" he added on

I scoffed "come on" I said putting my hands in my pocket and walking away  

Back to Riley's pov

As we were walking into the house my dad sniffed the air and then looked at me worried 

"what" I said giving my dad a confused look, before he could say anything bullets started flying into the house and before I could react 2 bullets went into my stomach, I fell to the floor in pain and went to take cover as there were still bullets flying everywhere my dad told me to get out of here and that's what I tried to do, as I was running through the woods, I could hear footsteps behind me and suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back and fell to the floor, I looked up to see what had happened and I was face to face with a older looking man and before I could fight I must have been hit on the head with something because everything went black.

I woke up to a pain in the back of my head from where I was hit, I couldn't really open my eyes very well but I could I could hear the sound of faint voices 

"where the hell am I" I say trying to open my eyes more

"finally, you're awake took you long enough" I hear a voce say I could make it out to be a woman's voice 

"what do you want from me" I say in a low growl 

"tell me where the alpha is" she says while hitting me in the face with a bat

"is that all you got" I say with a smirk on my face

"nope I got a lot more then that" she says as she turned up the Notch and all of a sudden, my body was being electrocuted which made my eyes widen in pain I could finally see where I was, I was in this darkish room where I was tied to a electric fence or something, I could also she who was doing all this to me, is soon as I saw her face, I knew who it was Kate argent...

The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now