what is happing? part 7

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I was running in the pitch black, and cold; I was running from an alpha in the woods I was running as fast as I possibly could and he was right behind me

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I was running in the pitch black, and cold; I was running from an alpha in the woods I was running as fast as I possibly could and he was right behind me

It feels Ive been running for hours and I'm getting so tried that I started to slow down. 

All of a sudden, it's like my feet collapsed from under me and im on the floor but it's like I can't move and I'm stuck in place 

The werewolf was whispering stuff to me but I couldn't really hear anything, they were about to scratch me so I closed my eyes, all I could feel is pain in my stomach I just started screaming because of the pain

I woke up screaming and I was all sweaty I was also very shaky, I was also on the verge of tears 

My dad ran into my room with a worried 

"riley what's wrong" my dad said as he sat on my bed 

It's nothing just nightmare"

"you sure" he said looking at me waiting for me to say something 

I said I'm fine!" "now can you leave" I yelled

My dad looked taken back by the way I yelled at him mainly because I don't shout at my dad like ever, I don't know what happened I just got really mad, I watched as my dad left as I saw the door shut, I started to cry into my pillow where I stayed the rest of the day because I dint feel like going to school today 

Derek pov

When I shut the door, I could hear Riley's soft cries, I hated to see riley like this I debated if I should go back in but decided that she needed some space so I went to try to find something about who this alpha is.

I've been looking for the alpha for a couple of hours now I decided that I would go back to the house, when I got in riley was still upstairs so I decided to make me and her dinner, I had finished make some chicken nuggets (he favourite) she didn't say anything but I could I could hear her moving around so I just guessed she was doing whatever so I just waited.

Riley's pov

I heard my dad call me down for food I didn't say anything though I just got up and put something nicer on because right now I look a mess, I went down stars and saw what we are having my favourite

"smells nice" I said sitting down In front of the plate of chicken nuggets and chips in front of me.

My dad just looked at me and smiled at me, I felt bad for snapping at him this morning and don't even know what happened it was like something just took over me, but I need to apologise so that's what I'm going to do. 



I hope your likening it sorry for not posting that much but school is starting again but I will still try and post as much as I can! 

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