part 11 Allison?

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"Time skip"

So, me and Scott are great and I told Alisson and she's happy for us and we finally now who the alpha is, it's my dad's uncle peter, before the fire peter was so nice, he used to play with me when my dad was doing other stuff but when the fire happened, he got paralyzed me and my dad did go see him for a while we used to go everyday but when we moved with my aunt Lauran, I didn't get to go see him ever again because my dad said that it wasn't safe to go back

"So, what do we do when we find him" I said walking in the room that my dad and Scott was in

"Kill him"

"Save him" they both said at the same time

"Well which one is it do we kill him or save him" I said with a hint of amusement in my voice

"We have to kill him he has killed so many innocent people" Scott said with and angry expression on his face

"He may be a bad person but he is our family and I don't kill family" my dad said looking Scott right in the eye, they looked like they are going to hit each other

"Okay!! You guys need to chill out" I said getting in-between them

"fine" my dad said backing away

Okay, but we still-" Scott was about to finish his sentence but I cut him off

"Do you hear that" I said looking back at my dad and then back at Scott both had confused expression on their faces

"The hunters are here" I said about to walk closer to the window but my dad stopped me  

"I know you're in there Derek and riley so just come out" Kate argent said walking closer to the house

"Actually, just me" I said walking out the house

Two arrows came towards me but I caught them both easy

"Is that all you got" I shouted with a smirk on my face

I started to fight the hunters which was pretty easy while my dad and Scott were inside, I was about to take down the rest of the hunters with my scream from my banshee side but I felt and arrow go into my side, I pulled it out and looked around to see who it was only so see Alisson standing at the top of a hill at first, I was confused but then she shot another arrow lucky for me this one I caught

"This bitch" I said kind of pissed

The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now