Part 18

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After school had finely finished I went home but not for long because I decided to go for a run and do some training so I quickly got changed into leggings and a sports bra and as I was finished my phone started rigging and it was my dad"Hey dad w...

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After school had finely finished I went home but not for long because I decided to go for a run and do some training so I quickly got changed into leggings and a sports bra and as I was finished my phone started rigging and it was my dad
"Hey dad what's up"
"Oh nothing I was just wondering if you were at the house or at Scott's"
"Umm neither actually I was just about to go on a run why" I was curious on why he was asking
"Oh no reason I just might not be home tonight bye"
And before I could say anything else he had already hung up on me I thought it was weird but just brushed it of and went on my run.
After I got home from my run and did some training I was all sweaty so I had a shower and decided I was to tired to do anything else so I ate something quick and went to sleep.
I was woken up bye my alarm to see that it was 6am
"Ugh I guess I have to get up now" I mumbled to myself, I put a cute outfit on today (outfit below)

After I had got ready and had something to eat I got a call and I saw Allison's face pop up Hey Allison what's up" I say answering the phone "Not much I was wondering if you wanted a lift to school or not" "Omg yes I would love one if it's not to ...

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After I had got ready and had something to eat I got a call and I saw Allison's face pop up
Hey Allison what's up" I say answering the phone
"Not much I was wondering if you wanted a lift to school or not"
"Omg yes I would love one if it's not to much trouble I was just going to walk to school"
"No it's fine I'll be there in like 5 minutes" she said then hung up.
As promised Allison had shown up 5 minutes later and we headed to school chatting along the way, when we got to school we met up with stiles and Scott and just spoke to them until the bell went which meant we had to go to our first class
(Skip to lunch)
Me Allison and stiles were talking while eating our food along with everyone else who was there but all of a sudden everyone had stoped talking and o could see that they were staring at something or someone and when i looked in the direction of all the stares I saw Erica but she looked different she had nicer clothes which was a black mini skirt and a matching top, she walked over to a nearby table and picked up an apple and took a bite out of it
"What the hell" Lydia said sitting down at our table, I saw Erica walking off so I decided to run after her but when I caught up to her she was getting in a black car and when I saw who was driving that car I saw it was my dad
"What the fuck"

-authors note-
Sorry this chapter was so boring I don't really know what to write to make it more interesting so please tell me in the comments

The true alphas mate | Scott McCall | (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now