Battle of the Super-Humans

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"Now for the final match!" the announcer announced as the crowd went wild.

I still don't know his full capabilities or his exact style, but he's been taking out his opponents quickly, so at least he's stronger than everyone else.

I walked out onto the arena with a hint of a smirk. Despite that though, I was serious. Suiryu looked just as he had in the other matches with his smile being less of a smirk. The announcer talked both of us up and finished by saying how it's impossible to see how this match will end.

"Isayo, let's have some fun," Suiryu said as the referee told us to take our stances.

"Better not let me down," I replied with more of a smirk.


Right away, he started with a kick aimed at my head. I just stood there as he stopped it just short. My smirk instantly dropped as I raised a brow.

Seriously? Is he warming up?

"Hey, I thought this was gonna be a fun fight, not a warm-up session."

"Saw through it that quickly, huh?" he chuckled. 


After a moment, the two disappeared from the naked eye, trading blows that the normal human eye can't see. The crowd was confused but in awe at the small flashes of what they could see. Soon enough, the ground cracked in two, Isayo and Suiryu suspended above the cloud of smoke for a moment before a loud resounding crack rang out and the two were gone from sight again.

What is happening? I cannot find them anywhere, Geno's thought to himself before his cellphone rang, calling him out to help with the monster problem.

After a minute, the smoke dissipated to show Isayo on one half of the cracked arena, a smirk, and excited eyes planted on her face. On the other side was Suiryu, sweating with a challenging smile. He had finally found someone to rekindle his love for the martial arts he had grown tired of years prior.

She was the first one to make the first move, his eyes widened in shock as she seemingly teleported right in front of him, using -insert move- to launch him out of the ring.


Letting out a heavy breath with a smirk still on my face, I looked through the tunnel of dust that was created by Suiryu after I hit him.

That was actually kinda fun. I can't wait to fight even stronger opponents.

The dust finally cleared to show Suiryu leaning back in a small crater.

Maybe I went a bit too hard with that last hit...

"... WHAT AN ENDING, FOLKS! I wasn't able to see much of what happened in the fight, but SUIRYU IS OUT OF THE RING! OUR WINNER IS ISAYO!!" The man announced, the roaring cheers of the crowd following.

One of the men helping with the tournament gave me my fourth medal, but all I had on my mind was how much I needed to take a whizz. After I got it, I hurried off to the bathrooms.

~Holy shit... How long has it been since I updated? Well, short chapter this time. I'll be rewatching the anime to refresh myself on what exactly happens. I'm aiming at having the next chapter out before next year, but no promises. I'm on a hiatus right now to sort some stuff out in my life, but I'll probably still be updating every now and then. See you next time! Bye-bye:)~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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