A Hero is Named

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Over the past few days, I've gone up from Rank 39 to Rank 30. Unlike a certain Baldy, I've reported the monsters I've killed. And today I have work.

As usual, I got there early and had more stuff than usual. About halfway through the second set, Ritsuko came in.

"Hey, uh... There's a meteor heading for City Z..."

"Oh, really? It'll be fine, I'm sure that my neighbors can handle it."

He sweatdropped before leaving.

'But... Genos is reckless and Saitama's slow...'

I sighed before slipping on a new pair of black and white glasses that let me keep my attention span while I could control my Cat Bot-0011. I activated it and a transparent screen showed up on my glasses. Cat Bot flew out of my open balcony door and landed soon after a giant incinerate blast was set off. It landed next to Genos who looked like he used most of his power.

*Sigh* "I knew that you were reckless, but I didn't think that you'd try to destroy the meteor with an incinerate blast."

"Dr. Isayo... Why are you-"

I interrupted him due to one of my short fuses. "Because I know how reckless you are, idiot! And Baldy just got here."

Right on cue. "Old man, uh... Cat Bot? Take care of Genos." It was then that I noticed Master Bang.

"Hmm? W-who are you? Who sent you?" Bang asked with widened eyes.

"I'm just a guy who's a hero for the fun of it," Saitama replied before jumping up to the meteor, breaking the rooftop.

"Master?!" Genos yelled as I moved on to the third set of stuff that I was repairing.

"He shattered it!! Unbelievable! Oh, no."

I revved up Cat Bot's engines and multiple missile shooters came out. I shot them all at the debris from the meteor.

'I won't get them all, but I'll minimize the damage as much as I can.'

The missiles destroyed about half of the debris. The building that we were on, however, started collapsing. Bang jumped off with Genos with Cat Bot following the two.

"Damnit... If I had just installed more missiles, I could have taken out all of the pieces." Genos had already gone to get repairs and I was having Cat Bot walk home since it didn't have enough energy left to fly.

"No need to blame yourself, Isayo. You're far too young for that."

I froze with everything that I was doing. "Ah, Master Bang... I thought you went back to the dojo?"

"Well, I wanted to speak with my old student," he had an innocent smile, but I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Well... Cat Bot's getting low on energy, so it needs to get back home..."

"Come to my dojo when you're free then."

"Okay. It'd have to be tomorrow though because I have a lot of stuff to fix here at work. See you later then." I put Cat Bot on autopilot to get back home.

'FFFFFUCK... I'm in trouble. I haven't trained in like a month! He's gonna make me run the whole fucking perimeter of City Z... Again...' I cried anime tears as I kept working.


It's the next afternoon and I got into my martial arts uniform. It was a white shirt, white pants, black belt, and the shoes that went with it that Master Bang didn't let me make into hover shoes and I left my glasses on my dresser. I also tied my short hair into a loose bun.

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