Super Fight!

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(I'm gonna bend the story a bit to where the monsters come after the final match)

 It's the day before the tournament and I decided to visit the hospital with some apples.

"Hey, Char," I said as I poked my head from behind the open curtain.

"What're you doing here?" he asked curiously.

"What? I'm not allowed to visit a friend?" I chuckled as I sat in the chair next to his bed.

"I didn't say that..."

"Have an apple," I said as I set it on his head.

*Sigh* "You and Saitama are like twins."

"I wouldn't put it on your broken leg, he would though," I replied as I took a bite out of a Granny Smith.

"He already did. So, did Master Bang expel you too?" he asked as he grabbed the apple off of his head.

"He can't really do that. You didn't know this, but the dojo's gonna be mine in the future."

"I'm not even surprised anymore," he sighed. "Are you still doing the tournament tomorrow?"

"Yep. Gotta defend my title from two years ago," I grinned.

"It's too bad I can't participate."

"I'll win for ya," I said before taking another bite.

"You'll win either way. But, I heard that another past winner is participating. It's just a rumor though."

"Ooo, it might actually be a challenge."

"Try not to break anyone's bones, okay?"

"Didn't plan on it."

"Oh, I almost forgot. What was up with you the other night? You just left and didn't come back by the time I left."

"I just needed a walk," I waved off.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?"

"Nope, so just drop it."

"Sounds like young love." The curtain next to us opened to show Tank-top Master in a worse state than Char.

"Ew. No. He's like a little brother," I instantly denied.

"We're the same age!"

"And who's stronger?" I turned back to Char.

"That doesn't matter. I'm even a month older than you!"

"You're still childish." I turned over to Tank-top Master. "I'm guessing you're in here for the same reason as Char?"

"Yeah. It was almost like that Garou guy wasn't human. He seemed weak at first but he beat me in one hit when he got serious."

Yep, that's Garou alright.

"I would be careful if you ever run into him, Oshiro."

"I'll be fine," I waved off. "Well, I gotta head home so I can get some sleep for tomorrow," I said as I stood up.

"Did you pull another all-nighter?" Char sighed.

"You know it," I grinned. "Video games got to me."


I got to the stadium early, as usual, and signed in before heading to my waiting room. Since I had time to burn, I decided to stretch.

I wonder if Bakuzan will be here again. He'll probably want to get his revenge.

Bakuzan is a pretty violent fighter and during the last tournament I was in, I completely wiped the floor with him. He had gotten pretty pissed and swore to take me down the next time we fought.

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