Wrong Sonic

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As I got ready to test my new spherical robots, the news was reporting on a group of guys that were proclaimed as terrorists and to be highly dangerous.

'They're rip off Saitamas...'

I finished getting ready and put the prototype robots and control board in my Final Dream XII themed bookbag. I walked over to the forested area in City F and picked a tree along the path to climb up and sit in.

I took the 5 robots and controller out before I took off my glasses and put them in one of my pockets. I then put on a pair of gray glasses that acted as a projector of sorts before activating the bots and sending them off flying. I controlled each of them simultaneously and fluidly while taking mental notes on what needed to be improved. After a few minutes, the group of rip off Saitamas went by my tree and I decided to have a bot follow them.

"I've been waiting for you, Hammerhead." A male's voice sounded from a shadow before a figure emerged. He had pinned up black hair, wore a black skin-tight suit, and had a lot of different ninja weapons.

"Awesome, a real ninja..." I muttered in awe as I had the bot fly to a tree and hide.

I watched as the ninja talked to them since the bots didn't have good mics yet. Then the baldies charged at him, the ninja however quickly made his way to Hammerhead, cutting the other guys' heads off on the way. After the ninja made a cut for his head but hit the armor, Hammerhead smashed the ground surrounding himself.

"What's all this? Trying to intimidate me?" The ninja sounded from below my bot. "You can't see me, can you?"

A boulder was then thrown at the tree and my bot was destroyed. I sighed and rounded up the other 4 before putting everything into my bag again. Then the fight came right by the tree I was in.

Rocks were being thrown along the trail, obviously trying to limit the Ninja's movements. And Hammerhead was below my tree, at the opening of the rock trap.

"You're just a little dog bought by Zeniru's money. You really think that someone like me, who's fighting for a noble cause, can lose to a gun-for-hire dog like you?!" He pointed a finger at the ninja.

"It'll come down to skill, power, and smarts. I don't think you'll be winning," I murmured to myself.

"There are plenty more rocks where that came from! And if you don't stop me, they're just gonna keep on coming!" He yelled as he lifted a boulder.

"So let me guess. You think you'll be able to deal with my speed if you know which direction I'm coming from? How utterly pathetic, but I'll play along," said the ninja before running really fast at Hammerhead.

The next thing that I knew, the tree I was in was pulled out of the ground and slammed in between the boulders. Luckily though, I jumped right soon after the tree was lifted. I landed in another tree after I saw Hammerhead fall with a kunai in the back of his head. My left foot slipped and I started falling until my right foot got wedged between a couple of branches.

"What the hell...?" I heard the ninja.

I looked over to see that he just hung up his phone. "Oh, hey there, Mr. Ninja," I casually said like I wasn't hanging upside-down from a tree.

"Who the hell are you and why are you here?" He had a deadly aura that didn't bother me while he demanded an answer.

"The name's Isayo. And I was just test flying some prototype bots until Baldy broke one with that boulder he threw at you earlier. So, what's your name?"

He blankly looked at me for a moment before replying, "Speed o' Sound Sonic."

"Eh? You're not a hedgehog, nor are you blue. How can you be Sonic?" I crossed my arms and had my leg like I would if I was sitting crisscrossed.

"SPEED O' SOUND SONIC! NOT SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!" He had a bunch of irk marks.

"So you can go at the speed of sound then? I guess that's cool..." He looked as if he was going to yell again until I stopped him. "Oh, look. Baldy's gone." I pointed at where Hammerhead was. "He ran away when I fell. If you hurry you should be able to catch him."

"Tch. Don't move. I still have a few questions for when I get back," he said before leaving, and soon after I heard an explosion.

'To small to be Saitama. Must be rip-off baldy.'

I got out of the tree a moment later and started heading back home since I wanted to work on my bots rather than get questioned by a ninja. As I got out, I saw Saitama and he looked a bit dejected. We walked to our apartment complex in a nice silence and after I got inside, I started on my bots.

A few hours later, as I was finishing a bot, there was a knock at my door that didn't sound like Saitama's. I rolled my chair to my laptop to see Genos' blonde hair.

"Come in, Genos!" I shouted from my living room/bedroom/workshop.

The door opened and Genos came into the room. "Dr. Isayo, Master told me to have you come over and eat since you most likely forgot to do so today."

"Oh. That's what I forgot to do today... I'll be over in a few minutes."

He nodded before leaving.

I then got up and went to my room to put on a Sonic the Hedgehog shirt with a pair of white shorts. Then I headed to Saitama's that was two doors down and headed in since both Saitama and I started doing that so we weren't knocking on each other's door half the day.

When I got into the living room they were sitting across from each other with a plate of Sukiyaki to their sides.

"Hey, Saitama. Thanks for the reminder that I need food," I thanked before sitting down and eating.

"No problem. It's daily by now," he said.

They talked as I ate and I didn't pay much attention until I was done.

"No one knows who I am." Genos gasped in response. "It's been right around 3 years now since I first became a hero. I've defeated a lot of monsters and evil organizations during that time. Come to think of it, I've never heard of any other heroes doing as much as me, not even close. Everyone in the world should know my name by now. I mean, isn't it kind of weird that I don't have any fans or anything?! You know what he said to me today? 'Never heard of you.' Never. On top of that, everyone in town thought that I was one of those terrorists! They've all forgotten how I beat all those monsters and all the other stuff I've done for them." Saitama finished his rant.

"That is quite the predicament," I commented with a finger to my chin in a thinking manner.

"Hold on. Master... Are you listed with the hero registry?" Geno's asked.

"That's an actual thing?" If I haven't heard of it then Saitama probably hasn't.

Genos brought up the website on Saitama's computer. Saitama read it out loud and, by its words, he's 'just some weirdo spouting nonsense and viewed with great suspicion'.

I forced myself not to show any sign that I was highly amused by this as Saitama sulked.

"I had no clue... So, Genos, are you registered?"

"No. Should I be?"

"Huh?" Saitama and I questioned in sync.

"Hey, let's sign up! Go register with me and I'll make you my official disciple. And, Isayo, I'll make you the hot pot you love so much."

"Sounds like a plan," Genos answered.

I had sparkles and a fire in my eyes. "Red curry."

"Extra spicy. Yes, I know."

After that, I went home and got a shower before filling out the paper that Saitama printed out for each of us.

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